July 28, 2020

Gene Loves Jezebel – Promise
Situation 2, 1983

Identical twin brothers Jay (John) and Michael Aston are better
known as ‘Gene Loves Jezebel’. They had a couple of successes
during the 1980’s. I think their best album was their first one
called ‘Promise’ from 1983. My friends and me played it over
and over, crazy about their emotional way of singing .
The songs are melt together and placing the exact skips
may have worked poorly here and there. Better listen
to it as a whole .. Love the artwork on this one ..

De één eiige tweelingbroers Jay (John) en Michael Aston zijn
beter bekend als ‘Gene Loves Jezebel’. Ze hadden diverse successen
tijdens de jaren tachtig. Ik vind hun eerste album, genaamd ‘Promise’
uit 1983, ook direct hun beste. Mijn vrienden en ik draaiden hem grijs,
gek op hun emotionele manier van zingen. De nummers zijn op kant
één aan elkaar gemonteerd en de skips kunnen her en der wat
rommelig zijn. Beter om in één take af te luisteren dus.
Prachtige plaat, prachtige hoes ..


01 – Upstairs
02 – Bruises
03 – Pop tarantula
04 – Screaming for emmalene
05 – Scheming
06 – Bread from heaven
07 – Influenza
08 – Shower me with brittle punches
09 – Wraps and arms
10 – Psychological problems


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  1. setnot 29 July 2020 at 16:47 - Reply

    I started following these guys on the Immigrant release; the song “Worth Waiting For” got decent airplay on US college radio. I bought a lot of their stuff over the years, but ultimately lost interest when the twin brothers started fighting in court for use of the band name. We now have two versions of Gene Loves Jezebel, one in the UK and one in the US. I refuse to support such silliness.

    • Moos 30 July 2020 at 06:18 - Reply

      I didn’t know this.
      Clearly Gene doesn’t love Jezebel anymore ..

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