July 18, 2020

Holland Tunnel Dive Comment Option

Pedro Lima post at Holland Tunnel Dive
download Pedro Lima

Dear visitors, As some of you may have noticed, Jillem
from Holland Tunnel Dive and I point in each other’s
direction on a regular basis. Thank you for doing so
Jillem. I have tried to find a way to contact HTD
several times but have not found it so far. I don’t
know Jillem but maybe we can create a portal here at
the Global Groove to let him know how grateful we are
for all the incredible work he has been doing. So folks,
you can leave a message to Jillem here and Jillem, you
can respond here too. I’m sure you have a good reason
not to allow comments on your wonderful blog but you
must understand people like to leave you a note once
in a while. I for instance want to thank you for the
numerous super nice albums you post. This is one I
really love a lot, Pedro Lima rocks like no other !!

Give him a shout folks, Guepa Jé .. hooray .. !

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  1. Pete 18 July 2020 at 09:38 - Reply

    Hello HTD, I love your blog, but since Zippyshare is forbidden here in the UK, I`m unable to download (or even search) anything. Is there any chance to change to another file sharing site? Also, life would be so much easier if you could offer downloads in the way Moos does on here. Thank you.

    • Guido 18 July 2020 at 13:27 - Reply

      Hi Pete,
      i’m from Germany and have the same problem.
      Try a VPN-Client and it will work.
      BTW: thanks Jillem for your great work, fantastic blog!

      Best Regards

  2. Anonymous 18 July 2020 at 09:44 - Reply

    Fist thing in the morning ,I visit global groove then Holland tunnel dive. Been doing this for years. I’m so grateful to both of you for all the excellent music. I spend a lot of time researching band history and looking at countries on google earth. You’ve both provided an education for me and many young people I play this music too. They are so interested that I think both of you should be getting some sort of education grant.

  3. Richard 18 July 2020 at 10:29 - Reply

    Yes, a feasty hooray for Jillem and all his efforts. Btw is this the same person who had the listentoyourears blog with the most wonderful 78’s from Latin-America. If so I am following you for ten or more years. Thank You Jillem

  4. Aduna 19 July 2020 at 06:33 - Reply

    Global Groove & Holland Tunnel Dive are essential and so appreciated. Many thanks

  5. Anonymous 19 July 2020 at 06:34 - Reply

    Hi to both of you Moos and Jillem…

    Thanks for your great blogs… Regarding hollandtunneldive, the fact he provides many lossless albums is very appreciated!

  6. Anonymous 19 July 2020 at 11:33 - Reply

    Big up Jillem & Moos
    Let the music play
    One world One love


  7. Stephane 19 July 2020 at 16:05 - Reply

    I didnt know Jillem’s blog TUNNEL HOLLAND DIVE.A lot of precious information there, indeed.But where are the download links for all this wonderful music?????I was unable to find anyone…

    • Moos 19 July 2020 at 18:04 - Reply

      On top of the page you find the download button.
      Ziipyshare will open with all the downloads ..

      • Pat Trip Dispenser 19 March 2023 at 11:25 - Reply

        Hi, apologies for being incredibly thick, but I can’t see any download buttons on Holland Tunnel Dive – can anyone help please? There are some absolute gems on there that I would love to listen to. Thanks

        • Moos 20 March 2023 at 08:08 - Reply

          No problem, if you scroll down in a certain post,
          you see a green button that says
          Click Here to Download List,
          good luck Pat ..

          • Pat Trip Dispenser 20 March 2023 at 20:40

            Found it Moos, nice swan :)

  8. Anonymous 22 July 2020 at 01:12 - Reply

    jillem is the best

  9. Good to Go! 22 July 2020 at 02:55 - Reply

    Both blogs are amazing. Like tide pools filled with new and beautiful things each time i look. I have learned more about music from Moos and Jillem than from anyone. I am indebted to you both!

  10. Anonymous 22 July 2020 at 07:49 - Reply

    love & peace for all of you!!!

  11. Jillem 24 July 2020 at 11:42 - Reply

    Amigos de Musica,
    Thank you and I am glad you like it.

    Dit is de omgekeerde wereld. Er is er maar één die alle eer verdiend. Iedereen die de weg weet heeft alles al wat ik post. En verder is het maar gemakzuchtig copy-pasten. Eigenlijk moeten de mensen die geïnteresseerd zijn in wereld muziek allemaal naar GlobalGroovers gaan en voor de rest van hun leven ALLES van Moos gaan luisteren. Ik heb nog wel één comment open staan (een goed verstaander heeft maar een half woord nodig: Lee-Roy) maar verder hou ik me gedeisd. Voor je het weet krijg je alles en iedereen over je heen. Syllart voorop en in hun kielzog On-U Sound. Terwijl het nog maar een heel klein groepje mensen is op blogspot. Bedankt voor je steun!

    ”It would be lovely to see highlife music regain the kind of popularity that it had back in the 60s and 70s. It is very good music that is truly African in its spirit and is well-played and composed unlike some of the music produced today in Africa that tries (poorly) to imitate hip-hop, pop and RnB music as they are done in the UK and the US. We should be 1st class originals and not 2nd rate imitators.”
    Ayoola Somolu, Boston, USA

    Lang leve Moos! Viva Opambuo International Band Of Ghana!

    • Stefano 28 July 2020 at 21:13 - Reply

      Jillem ! I used to leave some comments from Italy on your HTD blog, but now I can’t find the option anymore ……. I have to thank Moos once again for making it possible B-) …… thank you very much, friends of music, I would like to be able to send you a present, if you had a physical address …… in any case, it is clear that I hope all the best for you.
      Really a big thanx, my life is a bit better, and you are involved :-)

    • ngoni 2 May 2022 at 22:52 - Reply

      I just read the terrible news about HTD, I think this is the only way to thank you for everything you do, just to say that when you come back, leave a contact path for us, the followers, it doesn’t matter if you answer; but sometimes it would be good to point some detail on the post.
      Jillen, determination and strength, we are with you !!!

  12. John Farley 27 August 2020 at 03:17 - Reply

    Moos, hello. Thanks again for all the wonderful music you post.

    Did you see the Pedro Lima album is also available on Bandcamp via Les Disques Bongo Joe. I don’t know if any of the money goes directly to the artist as with, say, Analog Africa?

    There is certainly a lot of music on Jillem’s zippyshare for free. I have bought a lot of the Analog Africa catalog in the past and/but found virtually the whole catalog, including the 7s cut by AA, on that share.

    • Moos 27 August 2020 at 08:20 - Reply

      Dear John, I guess you are right,
      not sure if that’s completely fair.
      I just wanted to thank Jillem,
      there’s also a lot of other
      stuff there and it’s his
      alone to decide
      those things ..

      • john farley 27 August 2020 at 23:16 - Reply

        Moos, I agree with your sentiments. I would assume most musicians make music for fun and want people to hear & enjoy their efforts as well as playing live in front of appreciative audiences. My daughter plays in 4 bands and she has never expected any financial gain. Money has never been fairly distributed in all aspects of life! Thanks again for the wonderful music your share. As an aside, do you visit which has some great photos of vinyl piled high!

        • Moos 28 August 2020 at 07:39 - Reply

          thank you so much John, I find Armand de Preseau’s
          soundcloud channel very interesting, listening now ..

    • Graziano 15 November 2020 at 16:58 - Reply

      hey there,
      Les Disques Bongo Joe is the best label in Switzerland with a lot of social conscience, so it’s worth every cent you spend on their bandcamp page – they’re really great people with a lot of love for the music :)
      But yes, thank You a lot Moos and Jillem for the fantastic music! I guess few people have the money to buy all these wonderful LPs and it’s pure joy to listen to them :) guess most of us are buying some anyways…
      May i ask what’s the price in the netherlands for (ordinary) compa, samba or soukous LPs? in Switzerland one usually has to pay about 10-20 euros for an album. when one’s very lucky you get some samba for 5… cheers and thanks again for all the information and musical education, Graziano

  13. dial africa 29 August 2020 at 10:52 - Reply

    Great places for years; thank you both jillem and moos. We may get old with your music.

  14. Anonymous 6 October 2020 at 13:50 - Reply

    Dear GG, HTD, … … …

    I love you all…. I truly do.. I have a deep profound feeling in my gut and stomach for you, you do bright up my mornings (usually) and late late nights (sometimes)….

    Jillen, Moos, Peter @ monrakplengthai & Henk you are all top notch!!!!

    ..zij leve hoog, zij leve hoog zij leve hoog, zij leve hoog. Ja hoog, ja hoog. Zij leve hoooooog….


  15. Moos 28 April 2021 at 08:04 - Reply

    Beste Jillem, mocht je hier nog eens langskomen om de reacties te lezen,
    hoe sta jij tegenover een live ontmoeting ?
    We wonen beiden in Nederland, hoever kan het zijn eens iets af te spreken ?

  16. slightly less than good to go 25 March 2023 at 22:27 - Reply

    Well, it seems HTD may be at the end of the line (again). I’m hopeful that the amazing Jillem’s good work will be able to survive zippy’s demise.

    I guess I’m almost ready accept a world with HTD but still holding out for a new beginning.

  17. Rob 30 March 2023 at 15:28 - Reply

    I am intensely hoping the very same…….HTD (like Globalgroovers) is one of the greatest blogs around. And that comment comes from a professional journeyman musician. Sure wish all that great music could be saved someplace and reachable through something like Krakenfiles or such. If not, such a wonderful world of music will be GREATLY missed.

  18. Geoff 1 April 2023 at 07:40 - Reply

    Don’t know where else to post this but just want to say to Jillem – thanks mate

  19. El tumbao del rrioba 9 April 2023 at 22:43 - Reply

    Many thanks for both.

  20. Calumbinho 11 April 2023 at 20:23 - Reply

    Jillem, thanks for everything. Will you reappear…?

  21. Saucer People 1 May 2023 at 12:58 - Reply

    Well Zippyshare and Holland Tunnel Dive are no more! This is like the time Megashare closed down and countless other sites I’ve forgotten about.
    Pixeldrain does look good and obviously there is still Mega but it feels like an era gone with Zippyshare.
    I hope Jilliem reads this as I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and knowledge and generosity.
    I do hope someone can leave a comment if HTD reawakens in another form.
    Thank you for the music!

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