October 9, 2020

l’Orchestre Stukas de Lita Bembo
Benson Record BEN 004, 1983

This album by l’Orchestre Stukas of Lita Bembo was shared
with us by Nick Beddow. A record we didn’t see so far from
1983. Every elpee with Stukas is pure pleasure to listen to.
Thank you very much for sharing Nick, we’ll pass it on to the
rest of the world. I’d say, get it, spread it and listen ..

P.S. This is a file type different from what we’re used to have.
Downloading can take a little longer, if it works ..

Don Dass vol. 3 1985
..en Concert a Kishasa 1982
Afro Rythmes présente ..
l’Afrique Danse 360.131 1979
l’Afrique Danse 360.130 1979
Franco présente Lita Bembo Nkolo Kwanga
l’Afrique Danse 360.122 1978

01 – Jeune wangata
02 – Kaba santer
03 – Cherie-konga
04 – Yefole


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  1. Tim Harrison 9 October 2020 at 11:28 - Reply

    Nice elpee by Orch. Stukas, and one I’m not familiar with. But (and a very big But) the WAV file size is unmanageable with my version of Windows Media Player, which is the default player for my Soundz on the laptop, and it repeatedly crashed. I’m going to have to convert to WMV or some other manageable format, if only for listening to the elpee on my phone. Any chance of an upload in an alternative format?

    • Moos 9 October 2020 at 21:30 - Reply

      .. I would not know how to ..

      • Tim Harrison 10 October 2020 at 18:17 - Reply

        It’s really easy with VLC media player.

  2. Anonymus 9 October 2020 at 16:59 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, I want to ask you the favor if you can upload the album Maye Afafanto by Vis A Vis Band !

    Thanks in advance Moos.

  3. anon 9 October 2020 at 23:54 - Reply

    Stukas is always welcome. Does this one have Lita Bembo? All the songs are credited to others.

    You might want use FLAC rather than WAV – it doesn’t lose quality, will compress much more and is generally well used.

    Thanks as always

  4. Dennis 10 October 2020 at 10:55 - Reply

    Thanks Moos – can easily flip this to Apple lossless. Love Stukas, and haven’t ever come across this one in all my trawling. Bless you for all your hard work and dedication.

  5. Nick 10 October 2020 at 16:47 - Reply – just send the files to the online convertor (MP3 also possible).

    • Moos 11 October 2020 at 06:36 - Reply

      Oh cool Nick, thank you for helping out ..

  6. Nick 11 October 2020 at 10:33 - Reply

    Sorry for the extra hassle folks, I ripped the vinyl disc in audacity to make a CD for myself (old school) and I like to send a copy to Moos as a thankyou when I can, so the rip wasn’t made with upload in mind. Next time I’ll save as FLAC (many of these old records are lo-fi enough already withing losing any quality). The Benson label was created by a Nigerian, Benson Lawrence (who appears here on an earlier Moos post: ) Discogs suggests that there are seven other releases (I’ve got one, and it’s a great Yenga Yenga Jr LP, so I’m assuming they’re all worth seeking out. I’m not sure if Lita Bembo appears on this disc: by 1980 he had also developed as a solo artist, and the Stukas definitely made one LP in his absence, ‘Ballad a Libreville’, so there is a precedent. One clue: Lita was a vain man and usually featured his name and/or photo very prominently on his LPs, so it may be a clue that he isn’t advertised on this release (unless that’s him as a baby! Baby also appears on Lita Bembo En Concert A Kinshasa, so we’re going round in circles). In short, I don’t know :)

  7. Anonymous 11 October 2020 at 18:47 - Reply

    A better format than mp3 is always welcome, be it wav or flac. Thanks for this and thatnks for your blog in general!!

  8. jean-luc 12 October 2020 at 10:10 - Reply

    From my experience it is not a question of format. Flac or Wav do not sound much better then a 320 mp3. Much more importent is the production and sound from the LP, and the way it is recorded (digitalized, refurbished).

  9. Ray 23 November 2021 at 05:24 - Reply

    I need history of orch stukas

  10. […] Stukas 83 de Lita Bembo 1983 La Guerre des Stars 1985 le Stukas du Zaïre 1985 Lita Bembo en Concert 1982 Franco présente .. Afro Rythmes présente .. l’Afrique Danse 360.131 1979 l’Afrique Danse 360.130 1979 l’Afrique Danse 360.112 1978 l’Afrique Danse 360,122 1978 […]

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