December 17, 2020

Manglo Corporation présente le Tout Choc Anti Choc
Zaïko Langa-Langa – In Memoriam D.V. Muanda
Mela Primus Tika Bisalela
Zéketé – Zéketé 3ème Épisode
Manglo Corporation 1984

If we want to know some specifics concerning today’s post
we really need the help of you visitors. The story of Zaïko
Langa-Langa is quite complex and I am certainly not the man
to tell you all about it. On Discogs I could not find this album
for instance, only Youtube gives us a little info in its reactions.
It must be from 1984 and rare if we believe those. A tribute
to D.V. Muanda, 3rd episode of the Zéketé-Zéketé series ..

Om iets meer over de post van vandaag te weten te komen, hebben
we de hulp nodig van onze bezoekers. Het verhaal over Zaïko
Langa-Langa is tamelijk complex en ik ben niet de man die je er
veel over vertellen kan. Op Discogs bijvoorbeeld vond ik deze
plaat niet, alleen op Youtube staat wat info in de reacties.
Zo zou hij uit 1984 moeten zijn en zeldzaam. Een tribuut
aan D.V. Muanda en de 3de in de Zéketé Zéketé serie ..


01 – Etape
—- Elima-Ngando
02 – Kamangu
03 – Antalia


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  1. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 17 December 2020 at 12:03 - Reply

    I’m very shocked to find this record here it’s very rare I remember listening to Kamangu from this Vinyl thank you for the upload.

  2. anon 17 December 2020 at 12:52 - Reply

    The story goes that D.V. Muanda along with several other members of Orchestre Belguide saw Papa Wemba sing in 1969 and instantly decided to dissolve their own orchestra and set up something new to support his talents. This notably included guitarist Pepe Felly (aka Manuaku Waku) and others from Belguide or elsewhere. Muanda played Congas but wasn’t ever a real musical force in the band but more of a director/leader (three other ‘founders’ from Belguide had a similar position but Muanda seems the most prominent).

    It is notable that the years leading up to Muanda’s death were quite turbulent in terms of the stability of the band with N’yoka Longo (originally in Belguide himself) really consolidating leadership around this time amidst many departures.

    The official extended (N’Yoka Longo) version of the band’s history is here. There’s a few alternative recollections around the internet also.

    Thanks for this – another gem and important part of Zaiko history.

  3. Dennis 18 December 2020 at 10:05 - Reply

    Thanks so much Moos.

  4. Shad 24 December 2020 at 06:33 - Reply

    On this particular album, Roxy Tshimpaka “Le Grand Niaou” (roaring cat – maybe because of those hi fi riffs!) and Beniko Popolipo “Zero Faute”. They also share roles on the En Europe album too.

    Much thanks!

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