January 10, 2021

Vassourinha – Self Titled
Warner Arquivos/Continental 1976/2002

At the moment I am completely captured by samba from
the old days. We saw Noël Rosa, Ismael Silva and Ataulfo
Alves. Today it is the turn of Mário Ramos de Oliveira, alias
‘Vassourinha’, which means little broom or sweeper. He
started very young and performed for the Brazillian radio
already at 12 years of age. Another historic sambista
who’s songs still sound today. Jump back in time
and listen to Vassourinha ..

Op het moment ben ik volledig terug in de tijd van de samba.
We zagen de afgelopen dagen reeds Noël Rosa, Ismael Silva
en Ataulfo Alves de revue passeren. Vandaag is de beurt aan
Mário Ramos de Oliveira alias ‘Vassourinha’, hetgeen bezem-
pje betekent. Hij begon zijn muzikale carrière reeds zeer jong.
Op z’n taalfde trad hij al op voor de Braziliaanse radio. Nog
zo’n historische sambista wiens nummers ook
vandaag de dag nog te horen zijn. Luister
naar Vassourinha ..


01 – “Seu” libório
02 – Juracy
03 – Emília
04 – Ela vai à feira
05 – Chik chik bum
06 – Apaga a vela
07 – Olga
08 – Tá gostoso
09 – …e o juiz apitou
10 – Amanhã eu volto
11 – Amanhã tem baile
12 – Volta p’ra casa emília


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  1. shagasha 10 January 2021 at 18:12 - Reply

    Thanks for the sambas and the sambistas.

  2. Anonymous 15 January 2021 at 19:24 - Reply

    Nice Thanks Moos

  3. David Gary Roberts 16 October 2023 at 04:14 - Reply

    Brilliant stuff and dead at 19 with tantalizingly little written about him. How did he die for example? Thanks again Moos, this is real treasure.

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