January 22, 2021

Verckys – African Sound of Music
African Star of Music, ASMLP 001

A quite mysterious record here today. At first I didn’t
know what it was. Backsleeve says Douala Rep. Came-
roon and Made in Ghana. The music however sounds
like Congolese cavacha. Using the Shazam tool on my
smart phone I found out the first side consists of the
works of Kiamuangana Mateta or Verckys. Side two
does not give any results on Shazam. I just assume
these are also songs by Verckys. If any of you has
another suggestion, please give us the
information we need.
Maybe Kamale or Kiam ..

Een nogal mysterieuze plaat vandaag. Eerst wist ik niet
waar we hier mee te maken hadden. De achterkant van
de hoes spreekt over Douala Rep. Cameroon en Made in
Ghana. De muziek klinkt echter als Congolese cavacha.
Toen ik de Shazam tool erop los liet met m’n smart phone
bleek de eerste kant nummers van Kiamuangana Mateta
ofwel Verckys te bevatten. Kant twee gaf geen resultaten,
ik ben er maar vanuit gegaan dat dit ook nummers van
Verckys zijn. Als een van jullie anders denkt, deel
dan s.v.p. je mening met ons.
Misschien Kamale of Kiam ..

Verckys et l’Immortel Vévé
Verckys et l’Orchestre Vévé 1975
Verckys à Paris 1971
Dynamite Verckys 1970
Verckys et l’Orchestre Vévé, Lassissi présente 1979
Verckys et l’Immortel Vévé vol. 2 1980
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé vol. 9 1978
Vebaka Serment 1975
l’Afrique Danse No. 11
Verckys, african 1973
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 4 1978
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 2 1977
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 7 1978
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 8 1978
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 5 1978
Orchestre Vévé 1977
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 6 1978
l’Afrique Danse avec Sakumuna Vévé 1975
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé Vol. 1 1977
Editions Vévé 1973
Seven 7″ from Congo vol. 5
l’Afrique Danse avec Sakumuna 1977

01 – Natamboli moto pt. 1
02 – Natamboli moto pt. 2
03 – Toweli nini
04 – Belina
05 – Mabim 16
06 – Mabim-luka
07 – Evreka
08 – Remkana


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  1. Tsango 23 January 2021 at 23:33 - Reply

    The songs on side two are: (1) “Mandalala” pts 1 & 2 by Orchestre Grand Piza and (2) Kalanda (Lofese) pts 1 & 2 by Orchestre Mambo-Bella Renove.

  2. Ian Franey 25 January 2021 at 04:01 - Reply

    A bit mysterious indeed but anything with Verckys’ fingerprints is a welcome addition. Always nice to find the first release on an obscure label isn’t it! Cheers Moos and thanks for the info by the previous commentor.

    • Moos 25 January 2021 at 08:09 - Reply

      Indeed a great find, pure coincidence
      when going through the collection.
      Renaming the songs is something
      one must take time to do.
      Cheers Ian ..

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