April 5, 2021

Rebita No.1 – Various Artists
Rebita 1973

One of my friends shared this album with us. Semba from
Angola on the Rebita label. Three of the finest bands in the
field on this compilation record. Nice ..

Deze fijne compilatie met drie van de betere bands uit Angola
wordt met ons gedeeld door een van mijn vrienden. Zeer fijne
semba die je niet zult willen missen ..

Rebita 75
Discogs, Jovens do Prenda
Discogs, Urbano de Castro
Discogs, Os Kiezos
Discogs, Rebita

01 – Os Jovens do Prenda – Farra na madrugada
02 – Urbano de Castro – Merengue joaquina
03 – Os Kiezos – Mua pango
04 – Os Jovens do Prenda – Merengue parte o pé
05 – Urbano de Castro – Dilangue
06 – Os Kiezos – N’zo lami
07 – Os Jovens do Prenda – Rumba macieo
08 – Os kiezos – Memorias de lamartine
09 – Urbano de Castro – Merengue rebita
10 – Os Kiezos – Za boba
11 – Os Jovens do Prenda – Gaby
12 – Urbano de Castro – Semba avô


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  1. Carl Howard 5 April 2021 at 11:18 - Reply

    I do enjoy this recording Moos, but you may be asked – not by me – to take this post down, because this album was licensed, remastered and reissued by Analog Africa back in 2013 and is still digitally available here:

    • Moos 5 April 2021 at 12:06 - Reply

      Thank you for warning me Carl,
      My post concerns the old record,
      but if I’m asked to remove it
      by Analog Africa, I’ll
      surely respond

      • Carl Howard 6 April 2021 at 13:03 - Reply

        That’s fine, Moos. That’s more than ethical. I’m certainly not interested in being a “snitch.”

        • Moos 6 April 2021 at 20:56 - Reply

’s cool Carl, no worries ..

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