April 17, 2021

Unity Band of Warrake
Ijebor Trading Store 1975

In our Etsakor section, today some attention for the Unity
Band of Warrake. On one record its front man is named
S.A. Lawani, on another it is S.M. Lawani. I don’t mind what
his name really is and however the vinyl is a little dusty, the
highlife is very deep. This is their first album listed on Discogs,
not sure if it is their first issue. Enjoy listening to the Unity
Band of Warrake, on Ijebor from 1975 ..

Vandaag in onze Etsakor highlife afdeling eens wat aandacht
voor de Unity Band of Warrake. Op de ene plaat heet de front
man S.A. Lawani, op de andere S.M. Lawani. Het maakt me
niet uit hoe hij werkelijk heet en hoewel enigszins stoffig,
de highlife is van het zeer diepe soort. Dit is hun vroegst
gedateerde album op Discogs, niet zeker of het ook hun
eerste plaat is. Op Ijebor en uit 1975,
luister met plezier ..


01 – Okpotso-oba
02 – Idolabonosi
03 – Ebomoleragbe
04 – Iguaoya
05 – Inu-noleode
06 – Eduna edune
07 – Emosi rhenoya
08 – Ilueminotse
09 – Ainakhuagbo
10 – Asemokhai


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  1. ians 17 April 2021 at 12:35 - Reply

    Wonderful ! Thank You

    • Jewel Ackah Jr 18 April 2021 at 16:42 - Reply

      Hi please anymore Highlife albums from Ghana?

  2. Nick Beddow 18 April 2021 at 09:30 - Reply

    Love this!! Thanks Moos

    • Moos 18 April 2021 at 22:07 - Reply

      Dear Jewel, you keep asking the same
      thing over and over. With all respect,
      the Global Groove is not a jukebox.
      Try listening to something else
      for a change ..

  3. christophe 19 April 2021 at 09:49 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. It’s very nice to have more Etsakor, specially from this Ijeibor label. This one is special, very acoustic and percussions.
    Hope we could discover some other musicians like A. K. Omokunu or Denge & His Social Group Of Ihievbe (from the discog page on the Ijeibor label). Thanks again Moos.

  4. anon 19 April 2021 at 20:40 - Reply

    Thanks so much as always! Love this Estakor stuff and impossible to get a hold of for much of the world

  5. Good to Go! 24 April 2021 at 19:25 - Reply

    Thx, Moos! This gem has made a difficult week a bit better!

  6. […] Unity Band of Warrake, Ijebor 1975 Unity Dance Band of Warrake, Ijebor 1976 […]

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