June 18, 2021

Chief I.I. Ayeni and his Group
Ohua-Nugbese, Ijebor Trading Stores 1981

It opens somewhat messy, a few disturbences in its first
grooves. The album continues with some background noise
but has such a relaxed atmosphere, it is still worth at least
a couple of spins. Another rare piece of Etsakor highlife
with Chief I.I. Ayeni and his Group. From 1981 on
Ijebor Trading Stores. Owan music, ..listen ..

Ja, de plaat opent best wel wat rommelig, een paar vreemde
geluidjes in de eerste paar groeven. Ook daarne hoor je nog
plenty achtergrond geluid. Hij heeft echter zo’n relaxte
sfeer dat het toch de moeite is er enkele keren naar te
luisteren. Met Chief I.I. Ayeni en zijn groep, uit 1981
en op Ijebor Trading Stores, zeldzame Etsakor
highlife. Owan muziek. Luister zelf ..


01 – Ohua-nugbese
—- Joseph Idoda mitoji of aikeke-ozalla-ora
—- Prince A2 emokpaire of ubuneke ivbiaro
—- The aniala of ivbiaro
—- Okhere nugbedekin
02 – Jeremiah
—- Solomon
—- Osios


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  1. christophe 18 June 2021 at 13:03 - Reply

    Very impatient to listen to this new Etsakor artist. Thanks Moos.

  2. christophe 18 June 2021 at 15:13 - Reply

    A little bit cracky, but the music is good indeed. Very smooth Etaskor, voices, guitar and bass in the forefront, very little percussions.

  3. ians 19 June 2021 at 09:20 - Reply

    Great post, thanks

  4. […] Ohua-Nugbese 1981 […]

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