June 4, 2021

Oliveira Nkounkou présente
Kinzonzi André, Du Soleil Krunganga – No.1 Congo
Oliveira Nkounkou 1983

Een juweeltje vandaag met André Kinzonzi alias Du Soleil
Krunganga. Hij was jaren de bassist van Super Boboto de
Brazzaville. Hij is de broer van Daniel Loubelo, Delalune,
één van de grondleggers van OK Jazz en mede oprichter
van Orchestre Bantous de la Capitale. Op deze elpee met
zijn composities vinden we zangers, Théo Blaise, Passy Jo,
Ballou Canta en Tchico Tchicaya. Verder Master Mwana, Ti
Jean, Denis Hekiman, Fredo en Jimmy. Luister zelf ..

A jewell today with André Kinzonzi alias Du Soleil Krunganga.
He used to play the bass with Super Boboto de Brazzaville
for years. André is the brother of Daniel Loubelo, Delalune,
one of the founders of OK Jazz and Orchestre Bantous de la
Capitale. On this album with five of his compositions we find
singers Théo Blaise, Passy Jo, Ballou Canta and Tchico Tchicaya.
Also Master Mwana, Ti Jean, Denis Hekiman, Fredo and Jimmy.
Listen and share ..

La Renaissance de SBB 1979
Orchestre SBB
International Orchestre Populaire S.B.B. 1975

01 – Qu’est ce que l’amour ?
02 – Mbasiou
03 – Ebonga ebonga té, toujours meilleur
04 – Bel ami
05 – Nul n’est parfait


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  1. Alexsam 4 June 2021 at 16:07 - Reply

    Great line up. Thanks, Moos.


  2. Ian Franey 4 June 2021 at 17:00 - Reply

    What a cracker. Muchisimo gracias

    • Ian Franey 11 June 2021 at 05:41 - Reply

      This is a fine slice of congolais cuisine with all the right ingredients. Sweet horns, gorgeous vocals, slick drumming, tasty guitars, particularly tantalizing bass. The production is superb too with a great mix and thankfully not yet synthesized, programmed or God forbid autocorrected! Did I mention the compositions? Definitely a keeper.

      • Moos 11 June 2021 at 05:57 - Reply

        thank you for your feedback Ian ..

  3. David Noyes 7 June 2021 at 20:26 - Reply

    I just played this on the radio!

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