June 16, 2021

Sir Waziri Oshomah and his Traditional
Sound Makers – WAPS 403, Decca 1977

click on it

From 1977 we find another album with Sir Waziri Oshomah.
When I took the sleeve to photograph it sometning fell
out on the floor. What a surprise, it was the original
invoice from the 1978 purchase. It was once bought
in A.B & Bros. Electronic Store, 34 Polytechnic Road in Auchi.
The cost of an album like this was 6 Naira. Nowadays 1000
Naira is worth € 2,-. Also purchased was 1 Etsakor vol. 2
and 1 Asi Balewa, I’ll post one of his records tomorrow.
Really funny extra with this record. It makes
listening to it even more special ..

Uit 1977 komt het album met Sir Waziri Oshomah dat we vandaag
hebben. Toen ik de hoes op z’n kant hield viel er iets uit.
Wat schetste m’n verbazing, het was de originele aankoopnota
uit 1978. De plaat is ooit aangekocht bij A.B. & Bros.
Electronic Store, 34 Polytechnic Road in Auchi voor de
prijs van 6 Naira. Ter vergelijk, vandaag de dag is 1000 Naira
€ 2,-. Ook aangekocht werd 1 Etsakor vol. 2 en 1 Asi Balewa,
morgen zal ik van hem ook een plaat posten. Zeer grappige
extra die het beluisteren van deze elpee nog leuker maakt ..

01 – Ikwekiame nezimede emmanuel imhomoh
02 – Osimhe loremekia agbomenire (part II)
03 – Ugheorenimhe
04 – Oghenatseyo tseyo (part II)


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  1. anon 16 June 2021 at 08:35 - Reply

    Thanks so much. Waziri Oshomah is always welcome!

  2. Moos 18 June 2021 at 06:49 - Reply I the only one who thinks it is very special to find the
    original invoice from november 5, 1978 ? I would have thought
    some of you might have shared this sentiment with me ..
    Such a rare incident hardly ever occurs ..

    • anon 18 June 2021 at 10:24 - Reply

      Yes incredible you may have all 3 too!

      • Moos 18 June 2021 at 14:57 - Reply

        My only Asi Balewa is from 1982
        so almost ;-)

    • Kwabena Boakye 21 June 2021 at 02:30 - Reply

      I’m excited about the invoice and the details on it. Rare find and could be auctioned someday.

      • Moos 21 June 2021 at 05:33 - Reply

        Thank you for your thoughts Kwabena,
        when do you find something like
        this, quite exceptional ..

  3. Anonymous 22 June 2021 at 02:03 - Reply

    The receipt is great! Very auspicious day, for sure. May have been purchased on my birthday, lol 🎂

    • Ian Franey 28 June 2021 at 16:38 - Reply

      A curiosity indeed and a cause to pause and think that good music will outlive us all. On deeper listening I enjoyed this album as much as the first time I heard this group – both thanks to you. Loving the good Etsakor proverbial grooves.

  4. Oshioke F. Manah 1 July 2021 at 09:22 - Reply

    Chief Alhaji Sir Waziri Oshomah is a great legend and his music is ever green. I play it everyday. Thanks to you guys for this.

  5. Stefan 3 July 2021 at 16:38 - Reply

    I totally agree with you,

    to find an original invoice in an lp jacket is really something special… Now the record has a second story, told by the invoice… I do not look down on records, if they have written notes, shop, distribution or price stickers attached… It can tell you another story, if you are lucky… But an invoice of that detail is really a big find. Thank you very much for sharing even this kind of information!!

    All the best! Stefan

  6. Stefan 4 July 2021 at 12:14 - Reply

    6 Naira in 1978 was no small money! The Naira was stronger than the US Dollar, at that time. A record price of 6 Naira equalled about 10 US $ in 1978. So the three records equalled about 30 US $. The per capita income in Nigeria was about 527 US $ in 1978 (and that is a rough figure, but it helps at least to get some basic idea). For more details see:

    All the best. Stefan

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