July 8, 2021

Alhaji Sir Waziri Oshomah & the Traditional
Sound Makers – Volume 4
Shanu Olu Records 1982

The records of Sir Waziri Oshomah came in a variation of subtle
name differences. This is the only one I’ve seen in which is spoken
of ‘THE’ Traditional Sound Makers and not ‘HIS’. It is from 1982
and has this nice sleeve with the four boys on the hood of his
Mercedes. At least one of them is taking it very serious.
Enjoy volume 4 on Shanu Olu Records ..

De platen van Sir Waziri Oshomah bestaan in een variatie aan
subtiele naam verschillen. Dit is de enige die ik heb gezien op
welke wordt gesproken van ‘THE’ Traditional Sound Makers
en niet ‘HIS’. Hij is uit 1982 en heeft deze fraaie hoes met
de vier jochies op de motorkap van z’n Mercedes. In elk
geval één van hen neemt dit heel serieus. Luister
naar volume 4 op Shanu Olu Records ..


01 – Iyere: mecca london
02 – Chief joe omo agba
—- Chief mike odidi
03 – Imirunolu agizoane
04 – Hungry man osamiogbewa


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  1. anon 8 July 2021 at 14:53 - Reply

    Thanks as always. Obviously a closely related release to his wife’s first (very similar cover image and sequential album release) you have here

    • Moos 8 July 2021 at 15:42 - Reply

      Absolutely, same
      foto session I suspect,
      also following numbers
      SOS 156 & 157
      cheers Anon ..

  2. Ian Franey 8 July 2021 at 19:33 - Reply

    Now that’s a novel idea; may as well use the same auto and infants. Film stock and perhaps photographers may have been in short supply then in the pre digital age. Now everyone on the planet carries a mobile device and I was told by many folks in Africa it’s a big problem with too much money being spent on that electronic global pandemic, even with their cheap rates. Sign of the times however and we must take the good with the bad. As to the music that’s pretty much all good. Cheers

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