July 3, 2021

Papa Wemba & Orchestre Viva la Musica
Mwana Molokai
Rythmes et Musique 1983

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  1. Jean-Luc 4 July 2021 at 12:01 - Reply

    Cool album (1983)… and I clould not call this soukous.

  2. Ian Franey 7 July 2021 at 07:42 - Reply

    Yes it’s a good album and occasionally verging full steam into soukous territory; definitely from the Viva la Musica camp ! It’s certainly not Highlife, Juju, Fuji or Mbalax, Benga, Jit jive or Muziki wi dansi, Ethio jazz, morna, chimurenga or afrobeat either. Nor is it any of the myriad of other styles from the big continent but absolutely most certainly Congolais! Viva la Musica indeed!

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