August 22, 2021

Les Grands Succés Africains
Special Mounk’a Pamelo, vol. 9
Pathé Marconi EMI 1977

Until now it remained on the shelf, but because I posted
vol. 1 yesterday, I’m bringing this vol. 9 today. Let’s say it
is for your sunday prayers. Personnally I’m no fan of re-
ligious songs. However, I am a fan of the works of Pamelo
Mounk’a. Part from the two religious songs there are six
others that make up for the two, to my humble opinion.
Btw, did anyone like Orchestre Mando Negro Kwala Kwa ?

Tot vandaag bleef deze plaat stijf op de plank staan, maar
omdat ik gisteren vol. 1 heb gepost breng ik vandaag deze
vol. 9. Laten we zeggen dat hij voor je zondag gebed is.
Persoonlijk ben ik geen voorstander van religieuze songs.
Ik ben daarentegen wel liefhebber van de muziek van Pamelo
Mounk’a. Los van de twee religieuze nummers staan
er nog zes andere op die dit weer dubbel en dwars
goed maken, naar mijn bescheiden mening ..

Discogs, Orchestre le Peuple, Trio CePaKos
Discogs, les Bantous de la Capitale

Josia Jee, avec les Bantous de la Capitale 1986
Showman, La Métamorphose de Pamelo Mounk’a et les Redoutables 1985
Selimandja 1980
Pamelo et les Bantous, Resurrection de Masuwa 1982
with Rochereau & Mbilia Bel, 20 Ans de Carrière 1983
Propulsion 1983
Self Titled 1981
Samantha 1982
Bantous Jazz 1985
Les Bantous de la Capitale 1976
Trio Ce.Pa.Kos, Orchestre le Peuple 1977
Les Bantous 1970
Orchestre le Peuple, Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1977
le Peuple, Trio Ce.Pa.Kos 1975
All albums with Les Bantous de la Capitale

01 – Alleluia mounk’a
02 – Amen maria
03 – Louise
04 – Mes larmes
05 – Me ji
06 – Mabeyey
07 – Mr. kanza
08 – Conscience


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  1. Pete 22 August 2021 at 18:06 - Reply

    Great stuff. Thanks for sharing. And to answer your question: I enjoyed yesterdays album a lot. All the best, Pete

  2. Anonymous 22 August 2021 at 20:51 - Reply

    Hey Moos, thanks for this post. I LOVE the Orch. Mando Negro Kwala-Kwa post from yesterday, that’s a seriously loose, live groove those guys made. They must have had an amazing energy in concert! Do you or anyone know who’s playing with them? I remember someone saying it was Master Mwana Kongo on lead guitar. Well I’ve no idea. At times they sound like the Bantous. But whoever’s on lead has a confidence and a swagger, and plays loud!!! Great music! Thanks again.

  3. Agustín Damianoff 23 August 2021 at 00:51 - Reply

    Just discovered this blog, and as an African music enthusiast, I couldn’t be more pleased! Keep it up

  4. shagasha 25 August 2021 at 16:36 - Reply

    Thanks for Pamelo, alwaya a joy.

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