August 20, 2021

Varieté Africaine vol. 5 – Various Artists
Editions Namaco 1977

To compensate the lesser quality of previous post, I’m
giving you another, little better quality, East African record.
This is a Kenyan collector on Editions Namaco with three
great benga bands. Daniel Owino Misiani is present with
his Shiratu Luo Voice Band. We also find Orchestra Sega
and Orchestra Gem Lucky Band. Sweet benga from 1977 ..
(Shiratu must be Shirati ofcourse)

Om de slechte geluidskwaliteit van de vorige plaat wat goed
te maken krijg je vandaag een tweede post van me. Ook deze
is van oost Afrikaanse origine. Een Kenyaanse verzamelaar
met drie top benga bands. We vinden Daniel Owino Misiani
met zijn Shiratu Luo Voice Band. Ook van de partij zijn
Orchestra Sega en Orchestra Gem Lucky Band, lekker ..
(Shiratu moet natuurlijk Shirati zijn)

Daniel Owino Misiani, Wikipedia
D.O. Misiani, Discogs
Gem Lucky Band, Discogs
D.O. Misiani, Piny Ose mer, The World Upside Down 1989
Daniel Owino Misiani and Shirati Band, Benga Blast ! 1989
D.O. Misiani and Shirati Jazz, My Life and Loves 1988
D.O. 7 Shirati Jazz, the East African Hit Parade 1975
Orchestre D.O. 7 Jazz, Elizabeth 1976
Daniel Owino and the DO-7 Shirati Jazz Band, Sheroline 1977
D.O. 7 Shirati Luo Voice, Kenyafrica! vol. 4 1976
D.O. 7 Shirati Jazz, Rose Atieno 1988
Shirati Luo Voice Jazz, Ikwokirikwo Hits of East Africa 1972
Orchestre Sega Sega, Kenya Partout!, vol. 6
V.A., Kenya Hit Parade
Seven 7″s from Kenya
Kenya Partout! vol. 3 1976
Orchestre Varieté Africaine from East Africa 1978
Varieté Africaine vol. 6 1977

01 – The Shiratu L.V. Band – Shiratu 75
02 – Orchestra Sega – Patrick wagumba
03 – Orchestre Gem Lucky Band – Kobul jamaliera
04 – Orchestre Sega – Auma nyaboro
05 – The Shiratu L.V. Band – Moni wa dismas
06 – Orchestre Gem Lucky Band – Peter Nyanjom


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  1. ians 20 August 2021 at 11:49 - Reply

    Many many thanks for these

  2. Pete 20 August 2021 at 14:59 - Reply

    Thanks a lot.

  3. Ian Franey 23 August 2021 at 23:44 - Reply

    Lots of scratches and even a wierd tempo/speed change as I recall, but a bit of Benga definitely much appreciated. Will give it a deeper listen for full appreciation.

  4. Ngoni Chivizhe 24 August 2021 at 13:24 - Reply

    Moos, it is a gross understatement of gratitude expression if I simply say ‘thank you’, especially whenever you post benga music of Kenya. If you were present, you would have seen me on my knees clapping my hands and profusely thanking you for the benga songs such as these you have just posted. Fro we cannot get them anywhere except from you. Together with my ex Zimbabwe guerrilla war combatants, we reminisce and see ourselves being young, holding our sub machine guns with the left hand, whilst right hand and the legs are madly dancing benga music beat in thick bushes we called make-shit base camps, as we danced in choreography. Moos. how I wish I could demonstrate the Mujiba dance that sent the whole forest vibrating due to choreographic and stylish ground thumping as the the footwork resonates with the benga beat belting from a portable Supersonic record player – deep the bushes of the then Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The benga music boosted our morale, ad although it was a war situation, a find myself missing the ‘good’ days and comrades, whenever I hear benga music playing. (It was not a dinner party though). Moos, our thanks to you are immeasurable, although you might be out of sight. benga music will ever remain the best beat in Zimbabwe

    • Moos 24 August 2021 at 21:53 - Reply

      Dear Ngoni, I don’t know how to say how much I like your
      incredible stories of the past you lived. I never knew
      soldiers like yourself used benga music to lift up the
      morale, until you told me that is. I’m happy to hear
      you like these posts so much, cheers brother ..

      • Noivo Kashonga 20 May 2023 at 18:44 - Reply

        Moos, you are genius and generous. Please keep posting the Luo etc music. Like now I nostalgia the Song “Titled Monika Odembo” by Ajwang Ogara with CMS Boys

    • Noivo Kashonga 20 May 2023 at 18:40 - Reply

      This did not apply only to you Ngoni, it applied to us Namibian Freedom Fighters too. Its both the Luo, Benga, Gikuyu and Kiisi musics that boosted our molare to fight for our Independence

  5. Dennis 18 September 2021 at 09:56 - Reply

    Thanks Moos

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