November 26, 2021

Bonga – Angola 72
Vidisco 1988

José Adelino Barceló de Carvalho is his real name, but we
know him as ‘Bonga’. When he was 23 years old he became
the Portuguese record holder on 400 metres. Angola was
still Portuguese in those days. In 1972 he quit running and
started his musical career. This is his debut album. It is not
the original from 1972, but the 1988 re-issue. I have added
the pictures from Discogs original in the file. Read Bonga’s
Wiki page and listen to his music ..

José Adelino Barcelo de Carvalho is zijn werkelijke naam,
maar we kenen hem beter als ‘Bonga’. Op zijn 23ste werd
hij de Portugese kampioen op de 400 meter. Angola was
nog Portugees in die dagen. In 1972 stopte hij met hard-
lopen en stortte zich volledig op zijn muzikale carrière. Dit
is zijn debuut album. Mijn kopie betreft niet de originele
uit 1972, maar een heruitgave uit 1988. Ik heb de foto’s
van het origineel van Discogs gepakt en bijgevoegd in de
file. Lees Bonga’s Wikipedia pagina en luister ..


Angola section

01 – Uengi dia ngola
02 – Balumukeno
03 – Ku tando
04 – Mona ki ngi xiça
05 – Kilumba dia ngola
06 – Muadiakime
07 – Luanda nbolo
08 – Mu nhango
09 – Paxi ni ngongo
10 – Miumbo ua sabalu


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  1. Abel Silva 26 November 2021 at 14:46 - Reply

    Many thanks

  2. christophe 27 November 2021 at 10:37 - Reply

    A nice edition from Lusafrica if I remember well, exists of this first album and from the second called Angola 74. I own its if someone is interested.
    Great singer and you will find on the 74 album the very famous song popularized by Cesaria Evora, Sodade, in its prime.
    Thanks Moos.

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