November 13, 2021

Chief I.I. Ayeni – Ebako Alie
Iruobe Records 1985

Good morning, “What Chief I.I. Ayeni is trying to do is take
that basic African thing, twist it, refine it and change it into
something new. A traditional musician from Ora in Bendel
State, he composes and arranges all the material for his
albums. Whilst Chief Ayeni may feel his music is changing
only ‘step by step, bit by bit’ the contrast between his 1st
two albums is remarkable. The first traditional sound
musician in Afenmai in Bendel State. This new one
‘Ebako Alie’ is something else again, harder, hotter,
funkier, altogether more aggressive and very
personal blend of many West African styles,
with an added nod in the direction
of Africanism. ” (liner notes)

We are very lucky to have this rare Etsakor highlife album.
First, it is super rare and hard to find, Discogs doesn’t know
it as far as I could find. Second, yesterday I was on Utrecht’s
Mega Record and CD fair. For the first time after two years of
canceled fairs we were finally allowed to dig some crates again.
It was build up day for the traders and today the whole thing
is canceled due to Covid numbers again. A very sad day for all
traders and visitors. Everything ready to go and then a no go.
It feels unfair that I came home with a bag full of records,
one way or the other, let us listen with extra pleasure ..

We hebben enorm veel mazzel dat we deze zeldzame Etsakor highlife
plaat vandaag hebben. Ten 1e, hij is echt heel zeldzaam en zelfs
Discogs kent hem niet. 2e ding is, gisteren was ik op de opbouwdag
van de Platen en cd beurs in Utrecht. Voor het eerst in twee jaar
mochten we weer eens lekker ‘crate diggen’. ‘s Avonds nog besloot
de organisatie de beurs alsnog af te blazen wegens de hoog oplopende
Covid cijfers. Een heel trieste dag voor alle platendealers en bezoekers.
Alles klaar om te gaan en dan alsnog gecanceled. Het voelt oneerlijk
dat ik met een tas vol platen thuis kwam, maar ja, hoe dan ook,
laten we maar met extra veel plezier luisteren dan ..

Record Fair Canceled !


Ohua-Nugbese 1981

01 – Imi eken reuvba emi
—- Ikeke bogbi ‘keke evie
02 – Alake lovbi ozalla/Ebako alie


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  1. Bonnie 13 November 2021 at 10:43 - Reply

    Beautiful stuff Moos. Listening to it while a tropical storm rains outside.

    • Moos 13 November 2021 at 17:12 - Reply

      ..ideal combination ;-)

  2. Ian Franey 13 November 2021 at 21:30 - Reply

    Sorry to hear about the fair’s cancellation. F… COVID – but we must stay the course if we’re to come out smelling like roses, however wilted. Thanks for your dedication to the wonderful world of music and digging on our behalf. At least you were able to find a few treasures for our hungry ears to enjoy.

  3. good to go! 15 November 2021 at 01:56 - Reply

    Very good lazy tempo sounds. Thanks!

  4. […] Ebako Alie 1985 Ohua-Nugbese 1981 […]

  5. patrick 30 December 2022 at 04:31 - Reply

    fantastic, thanks so much for sharing.

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