December 20, 2021

Franco présente
Youlou Mabiala et son Orchestre Kamikaze Loningisa
Bolongwa na Nzela
Edipop Production 1982

A couple of days ago I posted Youlou Mabiala with some
messed up files. I received messages that made me remove
it. Some of you downloaded it, but today dear visitors we’ve
got the correct files of that album. It was donated to us by our
dear blog friend Nick Beddow. Thank you so very much Nick.
To all who already had it I say, throw away that file and replace
it with this one. This time I’m sure it is okay. Now we can really
add it to the list of his records ..

Een paar dagen geleden hadden we een post met Youlou Mabiala
die niet compleet was en met foute hoes. Ik kreeg diverse com-
mentaren die me deden besluiten hem weer te verwijderen.
Enkele van jullie zullen hem toen al hebben gedownload. Tegen
jullie zeg ik nu, gooi die file weg en vervang hem voor deze. Ik heb
hem ontavangen van onze dierbare vriend Nick Beddow, enorm
veel dank Nick. Nu weet ik zeker dat ie goed is, luister ..

It is a FLAC file so it may take a little longer to download !


Leo?? Utataaaya!!! 1985
Judoka 1983
Karibu 1983
with Judith Maïsso 1987
Etabe Mofude 1983
Couper-Soucis 1984
1×2=Mabé 1984
Les Trois Frères
La B.C.C.
100% de Pourcentage
Carte Postale 1983
Loufoulakari 1985
Mon Avocat a Voyagé
et l’orchestre Kamikaze
Franco Présente .. 1981

01 – U.C.B.
02 – Motema na ngai télévision
03 – Gentil ya mbembo
04 – Sentiment ekoti nzube
05 – Ndoyi ya ba soucis


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  1. Anonymous 21 December 2021 at 02:59 - Reply

    Thanks Nick for sharing. – Moos, why do you tag this album with “” while it comes from someone else? On the other hand you complain that others are sharing your albums on their websites? This doesn`t make sense to me at all.

    • Moos 21 December 2021 at 08:38 - Reply

      First of all, I do mention who is the one that has sent me the album.
      Nick has no problem with me posting it.
      Further I don’t complain about anybody to use my rips if they are
      friendly enough to mention that they found it at the Global Groove.

      ..and then, can you tell us your name Anonymous ?

      • Nick Beddow 21 December 2021 at 13:14 - Reply

        To back up Moos’s response – I don’t have a blog of my own, and I sent the digital files to Moos from my own LP because I appreciate everything Moos does for us all every day of the year. So he’s not taken anything from another blog, and continues to do great work, so thank him (and back off, Anonymous) Happy New Year all, Nick

      • juanito 22 December 2021 at 10:31 - Reply

        ..and then, can you tell us your name Anonymous?

        –> please do because sometimes I forget to put a name in a reply


        • Moos 22 December 2021 at 16:04 - Reply

          Dear Juanito,
          You have never forgotten to mention your name ;-)

          • juanito 24 December 2021 at 11:21



  2. anon 21 December 2021 at 04:47 - Reply

    Thanks very much. Anything ‘Franco presente’ is usually very good – his production house Edipop (also VISA 1980) was a step ahead of most other Congolese recordings at the time, though mostly they only made albums for Franco and TPOK Jazz.

  3. Ian Franey 21 December 2021 at 06:02 - Reply

    Marvels never cease. A veritable treasure trove of holiday goodies. Simply marvelous.

  4. Gabriel Sihudu 21 December 2021 at 07:16 - Reply

    This is genuine, this is the standard and class of this space artwork and music quality, super Asante sana bwana Moos.

  5. Bavon Marie Marie 21 December 2021 at 16:14 - Reply

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for sharing this album. Its a pure real treasure. However, there seem to be a mix-up in title on tracks # 2 & 4.

  6. Michael Lion 22 December 2021 at 18:01 - Reply

    Big up Moos
    Wicked Album has it already now also for on the road.

    But also thanks for the Tabu Ley album disco stock 7
    I get a little bit mad about the discografie of Tabu Ley
    Franco has a good discografie Japan site.
    Play on the music
    Michael Lion

  7. Michael Lion 21 January 2022 at 16:19 - Reply

    Yes eindelijk binnen.
    kan nu mee voor onder weg.
    Thanks Moos

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