January 24, 2022

Elza Soares – O Máximo em Samba
Odeon 1967

Elza Gomes da Conceição overleed afgelopen donderdag op 91
jarige leeftijd. Elza Soares leed een lang en veelbewogen
leven. Op haar 12de werd zij door haar vader uitgehuwelijkt.
Op haar 13de kreeg ze haar eerste kind en op haar 15de had ze
er al twee verloren. Op 21 jarige leeftijd werd ze weduwe met
vijf kinderen. In 1962 ontmoette ze Garrincha, de beroemde
voetballer die samen met Pelé twee maal wereldkampioen werd.
Ze trouwden in 1966. Het huwelijk duurde tot 1982 toen ze hem
na de zoveelste geweldsuitbarsting verliet. Garrincha was
alcolholist en ging graag vreemd. Hij overleed op de zelfde
datum als Elza, 39 jaar eerder. In Brazilië is drie dagen
van rouw afgekondigd wegens Elza’s dood. Lees haar Nederlandse
en Engelse Wikipedia pagina’s, kijk haar video’s op Youtube en
luister naar haar muziek. Ik heb een paar albums van de grote
ZecaLouro en zijn Loronix blog gere-upload en deze
zelf geript van elpee. R.I.P. Elza Soares ..

Last thursday the Queen of Samba, Elza Gomes da Conceição,
died age 91. Elza Soares had a long and intense life. She was
12 years when her father forced her to marry Lourdes Antônio
Soares who’s name she kept using her entire life. Age 13 she had
her first child, age 15 she had already lost two children. When Elza
was 21 her husband died of tuberculosis and left her being a widow
with five children. In 1962 Elza met ‘Garrincha’, the famous soccer
player who, together with Pelé, became world champion two times.
They got married in 1966. Their marriage lasted until 1982 when she
left him after him being violent. Garrincha was an alcoholic and loved
to go out with other women. He died on the same date, 39 years earlier.
The whole of Brazil has been morning for three days after Elza died.
Read her Wikipedia page, watch her video’s on Youtube and listen
to her music. I have re-up-loaded a couple of her albums that were
first posted on Loronix of the great ZecaLouro and I ripped this one
from an elpee. R.I.P. Elza Soares ..

Born 23 June 1930
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Died 20 January 2022 (aged 91)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Wiki, English
Wiki, Nederlands
the Guardian
Museu Mazzaropi

Nos Braços do Samba 1975


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  1. Anonymous 25 January 2022 at 04:51 - Reply

    Quite a life. 91 years an incredible milestone considering some major difficulties. Thankfully for us all she had no difficultiy delivering some beautiful music.

  2. Pete 25 January 2022 at 09:06 - Reply

    Thanks for sharing. … How do I download from Loronix of the great ZecaLouro? I can`t find any dl links there. Please advice. All the best, Pete

    • Moos 25 January 2022 at 16:43 - Reply

      Loronix has been shut down long time ago,
      there’s nothing left to download there ..

      • Anonymous 26 January 2022 at 08:22 - Reply

        If you have some more of those albums from that blog, kindly share on here. I believe that not just me will appreciate. All the best, Pete

  3. Anonymous 27 January 2022 at 14:29 - Reply

    Her music can be downloaded if you’re will ing to pay a few bucks. People like freeness too much.


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