January 27, 2022

Os Tubarões – Pépé Lopi
Os Tubarões 1976

Good morning, a group about which we only find some
summary information is this one from the Cape Verdean
Islands. Funny thing is that I found it in Lisbon, Portugal,
but discovered it was recorded in my hometown, Hilversum
in the Netherlands. One way or the other Os Tubarões (the
Sharks) played various styles from ‘Cabo Verde’, funaná,
tabanka, morna and coladera. This is their first album
from 1976. Listen to the mellow music of Os Tubarões ..

Goeiemorgen, een groep over wie we slechts wat summiere
informatie vinden is deze uit de Kaap Verdische eilanden.
Grappig is dat ik de plaat heb gevonden in Lissabon, Portugal,
maar ontdekte dat hij is opgenomen in mijn thuisplaats
Hilversum. Hoe dan ook, Os Tubarões (de Haaien) speelden
diverse stijlen uit Kaap verdië, funaná, tabanka, morna en
coladera. Dit is hun eerste album uit 1976. Luister naar
de relaxte muziek van Os Tubarões ..


01 – Labanta braço
02 – Vent d’sueste
03 – Lutchinha
04 – Cabral ca mori
05 – Alto cutelo
06 – Pépé lopi
07 – Panhal na toc
08 – Stranger é um ilusão
09 – Saragaça
10 – Stela negra


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  1. Mouhamadou F Ndiaye 27 January 2022 at 19:20 - Reply

    Thank you for this LP. I was going to ask you that one, but kept on crossing my mind. Do you have Abel Lima’s 1st LP released in 77?

  2. Pete 29 January 2022 at 17:29 - Reply

    Thanks for this one. By any chance, do you have “Eni Duro De Railway Sky” by Ebenezer Obey? All the best, Pete

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