February 5, 2022

Aibor Bello & his Aloagbaye
DES Records 1980

Today’s album concerns a rare Aibor Bello and his Aloagbaye.
The two records we had so far are to be found in Discogs’
discography, this one is not. It is from 1980 and appears
on DES Records. An awesome piece of Etsakor Highlife
for your weekend. Funny thing is that the ‘A’ and the
‘O’ are swithed in the title.
Enjoy listening ..

Vandaag hebben we een zeldzame plaat met Aibor Bello and
his Aloagbaye. De twee albums die tot nu toe zagen staan in
de discografie van Discogs, deze niet. Hij komt uit 1980 en
verscheen op DES Records. Een mooi stuk Etsakor highlife
voor je weekend. Vreemd dat de ‘A’ en de ‘O’ zijn
omgekeerd in de titel. Luister en huiver ..


Vol. 5
Vol. 7

01 – Alhaji Azukoremoroye
02 – Agbodhe keogeoya
03 – Baba yeremere
04 – Agbora uke erimi ruakere


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  1. ians 5 February 2022 at 12:46 - Reply

    Nice one Moos, many thanks

  2. Christophe 6 February 2022 at 12:19 - Reply

    Great ! Thanks a lot Moos.

    • Moos 4 March 2022 at 22:55 - Reply

      funny, that’s my copy .. , Ooops no, not funny ..
      I was mistaking sadly, this is no fundraising site,
      these are the Kipipeo bandits who take everything
      from the web for free and then sell it for their own
      backpocket .. Don’t ever download and pay them thieves !!!

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