February 20, 2022

Septeto Nacional Cubano
Echale Salsita
Discos Orbe 1979

What do you think about some Cuban son for this sunday ?
We had three records and one cd so far. Most of the albums
I found with them contain doubles, songs that also appear
on others. On this Colombian release on Discos Orbe only
a few. Here in the Netherlands we have grey and wet
weather today, an album like this may cheer up
your mood. Get, spread and enjoy listening ..

Wat denk je van wat Cubaanse son voor deze grijze zondag ?
We hadden tot dusver drie elpees en één cd met hen. De
meeste platen die ik heb gevonden bevatten veel dubbels,
nummers die ook al op andere staan. Deze op het Colom-
biaanse Discos Orbe label slechts enkele. Op zo’n natte
koude dag kan deze sound ons wellicht wat opvrolijken.


Glorias de Cuba 1976
Clásicos del Son vol. 1 1987
Clásicos del Son vol. 2 1987
Tumbao Cuban Classics 1992

01 – La edad y la mariposa
02 – Maria antonieta llego
03 – Es mejor que te calles
04 – Don lengua
05 – Bururu barara
06 – Como lo soño marti
07 – Y en eso llego fidel
08 – Echale salsita
09 – Quien me lo iba a decir camara
10 – Suavecito
11 – El son y sus instrumentos
12 – El final no llegara



  1. Sam 21 February 2022 at 01:02 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos. Looking forward to this. “Echale Salsita” is one of those cuts that is forever etched on my mind — I must have played my Seeco LP with this one on it s00 times. Speaking of LPs, any idea about the recording history of the posted version?



  2. Anonymous 22 February 2022 at 17:51 - Reply

    Sweet and sassy son to bring out the sun. Muchisimo gracias

  3. Anonymous 24 February 2022 at 12:06 - Reply

    nice nice nice


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