April 15, 2022

Os Jovens do Prenda – Self Titled
Inald 1984

Impossible to travel to Portugal without looking for Angolan
records. I found this album in Coimbra last week. Semba is
the name of the style and I love it. Their self titled record
was recorded in the studio’s of Angola’s Rádio Nacional
in 1984. Always happy to bring some of this hard to
find music. Enjoy listening to ‘Os Jovens do Prenda’.

Het is onmogelijk om niet naar Angolese platen te zoeken
als je Portugal bezoekt. Ik vond dit album in Coimbra vorige
week. Semba is de naam van deze sound en ik ben er gek op.
Hun zelf getitelde plaat werd opgenomen in de studio’s van
Angola’s Rádio Nacional in 1984. Altijd blij als ik weer iets
van deze moeilijk te vinden muziek kan brengen,
luister naar ‘Os Jovend do Prenda’.


Rebita 75 1975
Rebita No. 1 1973
Musica Angola, Merengues 1988
Seven 7″ de Angola

01 – Sandra
02 – Teté
03 – Mundo ua ubé
04 – Vaiola
05 – Angélica
06 – Hubeca
07 – Fim de semana


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  1. ians 15 April 2022 at 09:43 - Reply

    Very nice, thank you

  2. Ian 16 April 2022 at 16:46 - Reply

    Thanks for bringing us these rarities. I hope you enjoyed a much deserved postpandemic (fingers crossed) trip to Portugal. May we the lucky few reap the rewards of your musical sleuthing. Can’t get enough…of that lusaphon stuff!

  3. Colin 17 April 2022 at 02:03 - Reply

    I visited Coimbra 20+ years ago. An amazing city. Thanks for the consistency and amazing content.

  4. Tim Harrison 23 April 2022 at 11:01 - Reply

    Such a shame this music is so rare, it deserves a bigger audience. Many thanks for sharing with us.

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