May 22, 2022

Sir Maliki Shoman & the Golden 9 of Africa
Vol. 3, Driver Eyewolo
(Dedicated to Etsakor-Auchi-Motor Park Union)
“Jogge Superstar”
Shanu Olu 1982

They were crazy about the Peugeot 504 in
those days, I count at least 12 ..

An Etsakor highlife record with quite a different sound
than the ones we’ve heard before is this one with Sir
Maliki Shoman & the Golden 9 of Africa. It is very laid-back
and relaxed. Sir Maliki brings an ode to the drivers community.

“The driver has a duty being a driver. Without them, you wouldn’t
travel via road. Join me in thanking the drivers. Remember that it
matters not if the driver is a driver of Volks, Taxi etc. Blessing
unto those entitled as drivers ……… And praise and gratitude
be to the elders, in the scenery of music. More grease to
their elbows and ……. pats on their back.” (Sir Maliki Shoman)

Deze Etsakor highlife plaat klinkt tamelijk anders dan degene
die we eerder hoorden. Het is er een met Sir Maliki Shoman &
the Golden 9 of Africa. Hij is zeer relaxed, Sir Maliki brengt
hier een ode aan de Chauffeurs gemeenschap ..

01 – Auchi motor park union
—- Shagady-general chairman
—- Abeli quack ikharo-general president
—- Tukura miliki
—- Sumaila juma (angle ’90’ chairman)
—- Yahaya momoh
—- Odiga afege
—- Alexander braimah
02 – Driver eyewolo


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One Comment

  1. anon 25 May 2022 at 02:24 - Reply

    Thanks for this. Really great stuff.

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