June 11, 2022

Chief I.I. Ayeni – Ora Traditional Highlife
Vol. 6, Ijebor Records 1979

As most of our Etsakor highlife records, this one with Chief
I.I. Ayeni is also not free of noise. Being from 1979 it could
have been worse though. It is the third album we have with
the chief and the oldest until now. Slow music
from Ora, Bendel State ..

Zoals de meeste Etsakor platen in de collectie is ook deze niet
vrij van wat achtergrond geluid. Uitgebracht in 1979 had het
nog wel erger kunnen zijn, we doen her ermee. Het is de derde
die we tot dusver van hem hebben en de oudste zover.
Lekker langzame sound uit Ora, Bendel State ..


Ebako Alie 1985
Ohua-Nugbese 1981

01 – Algbokhaode nolojo
—- Omomomoeme yeda
02 – Malye etsenegbagaomo


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  1. Anonymous 11 June 2022 at 12:43 - Reply

    Thanks as always

    Is it properly ‘Afenmai’ and ‘Estakor’? Or are Ora different people?

    • Moos 14 June 2022 at 06:28 - Reply

      good question, as far as I know it is pure Etsakor ..
      anybody to comment on this ?

  2. Christophe 11 June 2022 at 17:27 - Reply

    Thanks a lot Moos, always happy to hear more of this Etsakor sounds. These one is quite good to my ears, though a little bit cracky !

  3. E 18 June 2022 at 06:41 - Reply

    Thanks Moos for another fine post. On a cursory listen it promises some deeper discoveries.

  4. […] Ora Traditional Songs vol. 6 1979 Ebako Alie 1985 Ohua-Nugbese 1981 […]

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