July 3, 2022

Shina Abiodun Bakare’s Meranda Band
Dance to Kelele, latest of ..
Soundworkshop Records 1976

Like father like son.
Shina Abiodun Bakare took his late
father’s tunes, refined them and added more modern beats.
Pa Ayinde Bakare, the father, had been playing since 1933
and died in 1972. The album we have here is from 1976
and was dedicated to his old dad. Juju from the past,
put in a new coat by Shina Abiodun Bakare’s
Meranda Band ..

Zo vader, zo zoon.
Shina Abiodun Bakare nam zijn vader’s
muziek, verfijnde deze en voegde wat modernere beats
toe. Pa Ayinde Bakare, de vader, speelde zijn juju al sinds
1933 en overleed in 1972. De plaat die we hier hebbem
komt uit 1976 en werd opgdragen aan zijn zijn oude vader.
Juju van vroeger opgepoetsts door Shina Abiodun
Bakare’s Meranda Band ..

Bass Drum – Lawrence Ajileye
• Bass Guitar – Jamses Ete*
• Chorus – Faty Olagunju
• Chorus, Maracas – Kola Ola
• Chorus, Tambourine – Alhaji Zaid
• Cowbell – Kayode ‘Deko
• Design, Graphics, Art Direction – ‘Remi Olowookere*
• Drum [Samba] – James ‘Dire
• Flute [African] – Ishola Eto
• Lead Guitar, Lead Vocals – Shina Abiodun Bakare*
• Rhythm Guitar – Bama Alaba
• Talking Drum – Ayan Aniyi (Baba Kudi)*
• Tom Tom – Dayo Agbe
Written-By, Producer – Shina Abiodun Bakare*


01 – Ojo lojo yen
—- Laise, lairo
—- Won keran
02 – Mr. too know
—- No mercy
03 – Eda sepele
—- Ore merin (ore merin ese jeje)
—- Egbe ayinde kakare
—- Oyakojojo (faji music)


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  1. christophe 8 July 2022 at 10:29 - Reply

    Very nice Juju music to me. Good discover. Thanks Moos.

  2. Anonymous 24 September 2023 at 12:06 - Reply

    Far out, man. Love it.

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