March 31, 2023

Thank You Jillem !

Hello music blogworld,
Today is a sad day for all who used to visit
the great music blog of our dear colleague Jillem.
Zippyshare is closing down after today and all of
Jillem’s hard work from over the years will be lost.
Sadly we can’t leave any comments at Holland Tunnel Dive
for I am sure his mailbox would explode with Thank You’s.
So, to create a portal, you can leave your comments here for
the occasion. I’d say check the Ziipyshare files once more
and assure you’ve got everything you want. I sure hope
you’ll find some way to get back Jillem,
thanks a million for what you did .. !

Holland Tunnel Dive

Last chance to download

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  1. Bonnie 31 March 2023 at 08:53 - Reply

    Thank you Jillem, we will miss all the fantastic things you have exposed us to, but it would be selfish to be upset! We will remember all your services everytime we listen to something great you exposed us to :) Much love!

  2. christophe 31 March 2023 at 09:27 - Reply

    Yes, very bad news from HTD. Since years he was a great dealer in reggae (mostly) and African music. Very good complement to your own work, Moos. I’m so sad but can’t really understand the issue : is he bored with it or just doesn’t want to pursue this work out of zippy share ? Nevertheless great thanks for the work you done Jillem, I have a bunch of music in my computer that I owe to you.

  3. christophe 31 March 2023 at 09:32 - Reply

    An idea ? is it possible Moos that you offer an opportunity to Jillem to put his music on your site ? Am I stupid ? By the way I was wondering if it’s an idea to share your site for more type of music. For example I’m a big fan of jazz, blues music and I have accumulate bunch of music since years before the Web and on the Web. I sure can offer that to many people (specially music out of copyright of course, or difficult to find).

  4. Richard 31 March 2023 at 10:01 - Reply

    Hi Jillem, thank you for about ten thousand items I am going through, Enjoying the whole wide world and hundred years of music.
    I am still in denial, tomorrow someone says Ha Ha 1 april……
    Oh what a strange and wonderful ride it has been.

  5. Guido 31 March 2023 at 11:01 - Reply

    A very sad day for any music enthusiast! HTD helped me to discover a lot great music, thx a lot for your work Jillem! I hope you find a way to continue your blog!

    Big up from Cologne/Germany


  6. Jim 31 March 2023 at 15:12 - Reply

    Amazing and diligent work, Sir. Noticed, appreciated. I’d like to think moving forward without Zippy will be a bump in the road, rather than an ending. What ever is next for you, I hope it’s fun and rewarding. Many thanks!

  7. Zappology 31 March 2023 at 15:12 - Reply

    I just want to thank Jillem for all the great great music over the years. Ive followed his several personas over a long period of time and seen him as a font of fantastic musci. I cannot thank him enough for taking me by the hand and leading me into thickets of wonderous music, and being totally happy to get lost, come across a campfire fiddlefest, a smokey dubathon, carnivals of latinery, caravans of arabesques, and the whole giddiness of music music music.
    Happy as a splash to take the road less travelled.

  8. Thomas Gray 31 March 2023 at 21:48 - Reply

    Jillem, you are a marvel. Your blog has been an education and a mainstay in my life. Your excellence with the Jamaican music will never be forgotten. Indeed, it will be bubbling out of my speakers for decades to come.

    Jah Guide!

    Santa Fe, NM

  9. NYC Kid 31 March 2023 at 22:36 - Reply

    So sad to hear about the closing and unfortunately I arrived late. Couldn’t download any good old salsa music from the collection. Anyone has a copy for sharing?

  10. john farley 1 April 2023 at 00:28 - Reply

    Moos, hello. Have you see this? John

    • Moos 1 April 2023 at 07:30 - Reply

      That is amazing,
      thanks John.

    • anon 1 April 2023 at 07:42 - Reply

      thankyou to Jillem and thankyou to whoever sent this to

    • Good to Go! 1 April 2023 at 17:11 - Reply

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing this 😎

      I scoured Jillem’s Zippy site and managed to grab 50+ files that seemed like my kinds of things before the shut down. However, without Jillem’s excellent curation it was a frantic ‘shot in the dark’ experience. With this Archive site, I can be a little bit more targeted and do it on my time.

  11. john farley 1 April 2023 at 00:31 - Reply

    … and this? Thanks Jillem & Moos

  12. john farley 1 April 2023 at 00:48 - Reply

    … and many of his articles have been archived by the Internet Time Machine*/*

  13. Jonathan E. 1 April 2023 at 02:48 - Reply

    Jillem was/is great! Holland Tunnel Dive was a wonderful drive. Took me everywhere.

  14. RMX 1 April 2023 at 03:22 - Reply

    Another magnificent treasure gone. Thanks Jillem for all your work and great taste! And thanks Moos for continuing what you do!!!

  15. abudaiyo 1 April 2023 at 04:37 - Reply

    I saw this news on his site recently and it’s really sad. Thank you Moos for giving us an opportunity to thank him, as it is not possible to do so directly.

    I hope Jillem is reading this, so I can express my sincere gratitude: I have discovered so much amazing music through your posts over the years. It’s cost me a small fortune in records I’ve ended up buying having sampled them through you originally!

    Thank you again so much and I really really hope you will rise once more from the ashes! Keep us informed!

  16. good to go 1 April 2023 at 05:30 - Reply

    Thank you Jillem.

    Please know that I am deeply grateful for the work you have done over the years. I know much more because of you. My mind, body and soul have been moved by your work at HTD. I am definitely a better person because of the music you have shared.

    The world will go on, but I will miss you.

    I wish you fair winds and following seas! 🙏 🙏 🙏

  17. Anonymous 1 April 2023 at 09:15 - Reply

    Music blogs as a source of education.
    I’m disabled and housebound but the world comes to me . I’m lucky enough to live in a multicultural neighbourhood comprising of all religion colours and class and I supply them with music. People have busy lives and although they have streaming apps eat many of the albums I play are not available else where. This is because they are mostly from Holland Tunnel Dive and Global Groovers. Whenever I play an album I research the history of the band, history of the country, the style of music and maps. Everyone joins in with this. I can not emphasise the joy and education this has given me and my friends. Also their children many of which are musicians and their friends who are buying the Vinyl reissues of this great music. Sometimes the music their grandparents listened to in some far off corner of the world.
    Thanks to Jillem and Moos for making the world a better place.
    Love from the UK.

  18. Tchouley 1 April 2023 at 09:20 - Reply

    Merci Beaucoup pour tout !
    Music Lover !

  19. Bert 1 April 2023 at 09:40 - Reply

    Holland Tunnel Dive was an amazing place to learn about music from everywhere, from anytime less known in Europe. Seemingly also a shared love for the alternative music from the time when we grew up. A huge amount also and I regularly wondered how Jillem did it. It was a great journey. Sorry to see it go, even with the music still available. Thanks a lot ! Enjoy the music.

  20. Kostas 1 April 2023 at 11:29 - Reply

    Many thanks for all!!!

  21. Anton 1 April 2023 at 16:11 - Reply

    Thank You For A Unique Experience In That Dive.
    Music Should Go On Forever..

  22. Michael Lion 1 April 2023 at 16:34 - Reply

    Give thanks Jillem.
    Play on MR Music play on. World of Music from East West North South.
    Michael Lion

  23. ngoni 1 April 2023 at 19:13 - Reply

    Juillem thanks for everything, but please start a new blog, it’s not just about saving the work done.
    Life is every day, and we need to keep visiting Jillem to make sure the world can be otherwise.

  24. Mr Tonto 1 April 2023 at 19:42 - Reply

    It was certainly a great ride. His output was overwhelming. I could never keep up with it. I’m sure I lost a lot of gems. So all I can do is be grateful. I hope Jillem uses his extra time on something just as great. If I can sugest something, maybe he could keep the blog up because it’s such a unique reference for great music. Even if one can’t download the music it’s such a nice collection of records it can be used as a source of information and album covers. Many thanks.

  25. DiJiT 2 April 2023 at 02:28 - Reply

    Moos, both you and Jillem have been knocked down before. I hope Jillem gets back up. That was an amazing site. Such amazing service connecting music from across the globe.I am so grateful for all of the hard work you put in to this page. I’m glad you kept getting back up again. Get it and spread it. indeed.

  26. robeth 2 April 2023 at 07:03 - Reply

    jillem you changed my life
    and kept me going

  27. mogo 2 April 2023 at 11:33 - Reply

    Really an astonishing legacy. Moos opened the way but Jillem “more than did his part ; )” Between the two of you music for the rest of our lives and I’m grateful. I’m sad he dropped the blog, even with no files it was so information rich.

    thank you both for turning us on to such incredible music.

  28. Anonymous 2 April 2023 at 15:47 - Reply

    More than the files it’s the stories behind the music that were (are!) a precious asset of Jillem’s blog! I empathize with Jillem for missing a lot of the work done in uploading and keeping the files, but please don’t erase the blog, files or not files! It is such a precious source!!!!! Your work is and shall not be unthanked for!!!!!

  29. Drummer 3 April 2023 at 10:38 - Reply

    I could never fully express my gratitude, Jillem. It has been my pleasure to amplify your generosity by making so much of what you have shared accessible to listeners around the world via my radio show. Can’t wait to see where you pop up next.

  30. Kwabena Boakye 3 April 2023 at 15:04 - Reply

    Thank you Jillem for the exposure to such wonderful music

  31. Geoff Baker 4 April 2023 at 12:29 - Reply

    Thank you, Jill, and thank you, Moos! My most excellent guides and teachers. I am a lifelong explorer of music, but my world was much more narrow before I found you both. I am proud to pass on and share your knowledge, insights, and hard work. Thank you so much!

  32. tone pole 4 April 2023 at 13:51 - Reply

    for all those shares
    i listen with open ears more n more
    without HTD i would not be so open and open to learn and listen…
    to all those artist that you shared sounds of thanks you
    it was a really incredible repository to dive deep into and bath in frequencies of varied wonder
    thanks again

  33. EL PROFE 5 April 2023 at 19:14 - Reply

    gracias por todo estimado y fino amigo Jillem !
    Moos : lo spirito continua !
    we love you , Dutch Pirates :)

  34. Marc 6 April 2023 at 21:58 - Reply

    Thank’s for all Jillem.
    Marc from Madagascar

  35. Moahaha 9 April 2023 at 09:22 - Reply

    Didn’t notice this until today. I can easily understand Jillem’s frustration, but I do wish the blog itself wasn’t erased (but happy to see the files are up on Internet Archive). The informative texts were as valuable as the actual shares. Anyway, I didn’t come here to complain, but to say thank you! Thanks for the always interesting and often wonderful discoveries I stumbled over whenever I paid Holland Tunnel Dive a visit. Incredible work! I never even understood how it was humanly possible.

    • Anonymous 22 April 2023 at 23:48 - Reply

      100% agree, I’m sad to see the blog go because the photos and infos were so amazing and detailed not just for music files. THANK YOU JILLEM your blog truly changed my life, my interest in global and vintage music just kept expanding reading your blog each week.

  36. p. 11 April 2023 at 09:40 - Reply

    Big gratitude! Thank you.

  37. Costa GR 22 April 2023 at 23:14 - Reply

    Jillem you were the light in the long tunnel of world music.
    Thank you is not enough for all the records you have provided us with.
    I am truly grateful to you.

  38. Stefano 7 May 2023 at 10:12 - Reply

    Thank you very much jillem, I followed you for a while even before HTD, commenting when possible, even if I think I missed the real beginning.
    Thank you very much jillem, I followed you for a while even before HTD, commenting when possible, even if I think I missed the real beginning.
    Grazie mille jillem, ti ho seguito per un po’ anche prima di HTD, commentando quando possibile, anche se penso di essermi perso il vero inizio.
    Thank you so much jillem, I followed you for a while even before HTD, commenting when possible, even though I think I missed the real beginning.
    Grazie mille jillem, ti ho seguito per un po’ anche prima di HTD, commentando quando possibile, anche se penso di essermi perso il vero inizio.

    I wish you the best and I hope you will reappear sooner or later in the folds of the web.
    Your blog has been a constant source of inspiration.
    Thanks to you too Moos, for giving us the opportunity to thank him and of course for the music you introduced me to.
    Peace and Love

  39. BJ 10 May 2023 at 10:36 - Reply

    I follow all the comments to salute all the work done here and there since many years (around 20). Jillem I hope you’ll come back to enlight our days and bring knowledge to us.
    Moos, Jillem, and all the unknown music lovers : we still need you !

  40. Anonymous 15 May 2023 at 00:20 - Reply

    Dear Jillen, 1000 thanks for your wonderful blog and the many great articles! Too bad, I will realy miss it. All good wishes to you!

  41. PèP 17 May 2023 at 16:43 - Reply

    Merci Jillem pour la masse considérable de bonne musique amassée pendant tout ce temps, et surtout pour l’avoir partagée avec passion et pédagogie. Il manque quelquechose sur le web maintenant.

  42. alexd26 17 August 2023 at 01:24 - Reply

    how i can download it? the link doesn’t workl

    • Moos 17 August 2023 at 06:29 - Reply

      try again Alex, the link works just fine ..

  43. Louis Wilkinson 17 July 2024 at 16:51 - Reply

    The internet archive links just got taken down, i was looking at it the other night but didn’t get try to download until now, does anyone have a backup?

  44. Moos 1 December 2024 at 08:53 - Reply


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