May 15, 2023

S.M. Lawani & his Unity Dance Band of Warrake
Bowo BOL.004

Good morning, if we would organize a contest, to see
which album here score’s the highest on great song titles,
this here record would certainly end up in the top 10.
Part from that the deep Etsakor highlife with the raw voice
of Mr. Lawani puts this elpee on quite some wishlists.
We had two of his works on earlier occasions, just
see the below links. Listen and share as usual ..

Goeiemorgen, als we zouden kijken welk album op de site
de meest geweldige titels heeft, zou deze plaat absoluut
hoog eindigen. Los daarvan plaatst de diepe Etsakor highlife
met de heer Lawani’s rauwe stem deze elpee op menig
verzamelaars wens lijst. We hadden reeds twee van zijn
platen op eerdere gelegenheden, check hieronder.
Ondertussen lekker luisteren en weer delen natuurlijk ..


Unity Band of Warrake, Ijebor 1975
Unity Dance Band of Warrake, Ijebor 1976

01 – Ukpeloliregueseme
—- Agbogbegbe olose
—- Ojelogberota
—- Osuelokh aluami
02 – Inu umoru
03 – Awonmofiguoku
04 – Owelelorioku
05 – Naisiru lowiye
06 – Ekemeozilolo


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  1. Bonnie 15 May 2023 at 13:11 - Reply

    Some beautiful highlife as always. I think your top 10 would also have a number of funny and rude calypso numbers!

  2. christophe 16 May 2023 at 08:55 - Reply

    Thanks. nice to have more of this Etsako style band !

  3. Kwabena Boakye 17 May 2023 at 02:19 - Reply

    Thanks for the wonderful music.

    Unrelated news worth mentioning, Ghana’s Kwadwo Akwaboa has passed on. May his soul rest in peace. He had many great albums to his name and is also the keyboardist on many Ghana albums posted and enjoyed here on the global groove.
    His works can be found if you search Kwadwo Akwaboah (also Kojo Akwaboah) on

    He is the son of Master Bob Akwaboah.
    More details on the official announcement can be found here:

  4. ians 17 May 2023 at 13:03 - Reply

    Thank You

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