August 27, 2023

Cumbias Cumbias Cumbias
Cumbias Cumbias Cumbias
Various Artists
RCA Victor 1970

It has been quite a while since we had us an album with
strictly cumbia. This record from 1970 stood waiting to get
posted for a long time. High time to post some more stuff
from Colombia anyway. So for today this elpee with
nice old cumbia, enjoy listening ..

Het is alweer behoorlijk lang geleden dat we een elpee
hadden met strict cumbia. Deze plaat uit 1970 stond al
een tijdje te wachten om gepost te worden. Het is uber-
haupt wel weer eens tijd voor meer Colombiaanse muziek.
Voor vandaag dus dit album met lekkere oude cumbia’s ..


For Cumbia Lovers

01 – Bovea y sus Vallenatos – La pata pela
02 – Elsa Thorrens – La perla
03 – Super Combo Platino – Cumbia bella
04 – Pablo Beltran Ruiz – Asi soy yo
05 – Alberto Laverde – Cosa linda
06 – Los Ramblers – Que bueno esta el cumbión
07 – Alberto Laverde – Ramita de matimba
08 – Los Playoneros del Cesar – Campesina ibaguerena
09 – Lita nelson – Navidad negra
10 – Bovea y sus Vallenatos – El avispao
11 – Elsa Thorrens – Palenquera
12 – Bovea y sus Vallenatos – El nino del mar


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  1. Bonnie 30 August 2023 at 10:58 - Reply

    Some beautiful Cumbia, thank you for providing as always!

  2. Anonymous 1 September 2023 at 20:22 - Reply

    increíble, muy apreciado como siempre!!
    Espero que estás haciendo bien..


  3. Ian 6 September 2023 at 04:27 - Reply

    I remember loving this comp.; uplifting and invigorating. Nice one Moos

  4. Norio 9 September 2023 at 20:10 - Reply

    Every time I visit your site, I am astounded by the treasures and gems you make available to us. Thank you so very much!
    This is a lovely cumbia compilation. The vocals by Elsa Thorrens on “La perla” made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

    • Moos 10 September 2023 at 06:51 - Reply

      Very pleased to hear Norio and thanks for the feedback ..

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