July 15, 2018

Orchestre Malekesa – Musique du Zaïre
Jicco Records Company 1977


It is hard to find information about Orchestre Malekesa du Zaïre.
One of those Congolese bands operating from Kenya, led by Frantal
Tabu. One way or the other, this is a very enjoyable record.
( track #2 got stuck right at the beginning so I fade started it
just behind it, we miss the first minute and
another bad moment at 5.40..shame..)

Het is tamelijk lastig enige informatie te vinden over Orchestre
Malekesa du Zaïre. Het is een van die Congolese bands die van uit
Kenya opereerde in de jaren zeventig. Hoe dan ook, dit is een
aangenaam plaatje, luister zelf..
( nummer twee bleef direct aan het begin al hangen dus ik heb
een fade start gemaakt voorbij dit punt. We missen een
minuutje, en een slecht moment rond 5.40..jammer..)

tracks ;

01 – Mama hel mama
02 – Yoka toli
03 – Malekesa
04 – mwana keto


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  1. nick beddow 15 July 2018 at 08:22 - Reply

    Brilliamt, thanks Moos! One of the band’s singles here:

  2. Luke 17 July 2018 at 04:54 - Reply

    Excellent. Thank you.

  3. glinka21 20 July 2018 at 16:18 - Reply

    Your comment about the stuck grooves reminds me of Dr. Walter Welch, one curated the Syracuse University Audio Archives for many years, and was renowned for his tape editing abilities–back when we used razor blades and tiny filaments of translucent white tape to do slowly what apps do quickly now. Once, he played me an opera selection featuring Jean Lassalle, from 1904: the original Odeon, and his final copy, edited down. The difference was like night and day, and he showed me why: over 200 splices! With only 12 seconds lost. He was very proud of that.

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