October 16, 2008

Het Beste van Johnny Jordaan, EMI 1985

I use to post ‘music for the people’ of many country’s.
This time I want to introduce a Dutch singer to you, one I
really enjoy listening to. This is typical music from the
Amsterdam neighbourhood, ‘de Jordaan’. The album is from ’85
but the recordings are made between 1954 ( track # 1 ) and
early 60’s. Johnny Jordaan had huge succes late 50’s, his music,
though sung with enormous Amsterdam slang, was played throughout
the Netherlands. I always loved it, something quite different
for once. Hope you appreciate.


1 Bij ons in de Jordaan
2 Geef mij maar Amsterdam
3 De afgekeurde woning
4 De parel van de Jordaan
5 Johnny’s potpourri 1
6 Johnny’s potpourri 2
7 Daar mag je alleen naar kijken
8 Een pikketanussie
9 Janussie
10 Pruimenpap
11 De begrafenis van Manke Nelis
12 Vriendschap


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  1. Gonzalez on Speed 17 October 2008 at 16:56 - Reply

    Simply unacceptable for listeners from Rotterdam ;p
    Thanks for all other great posts !!

  2. Gonzalez on Speed 17 October 2008 at 16:56 - Reply

    Simply unacceptable for listeners from Rotterdam ;p
    Thanks for all other great posts !!

  3. moos 17 October 2008 at 19:33 - Reply

    Ha ha ha, just try not to compare apples and pears. Cheers Gonzalez.

  4. moos 17 October 2008 at 19:33 - Reply

    Ha ha ha, just try not to compare apples and pears. Cheers Gonzalez.

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