December 19, 2008

Joseito Mateo – Pa’ lante y pa’ trás, Discos Fuentes

This is one of the greatest Merengue singers and he comes
out on one of the greatest labels. Discos Fuentes de Medellin
Colombia brought out many albums by greats like Joseito Mateo.
Very hard to find some good background information.
Merengue like it’s meant to be.


1 La secretaria
2 La yerbita
3 Quisqueya
4 Merengue yeye
5 La justicia
6 Picolina
7 Pa’ lante y pa’ trás
8 La fiesta de los monos
9 Festival de merengues
10 Agarralo que eso es tuyo
11 Un domingo sin ti



  1. jeanluc 20 December 2008 at 11:07 - Reply

    He has some nice christmas songs…

    It is a Dominican, mid 50s he went for a while to Cuba.

  2. moos 20 December 2008 at 12:17 - Reply

    thnx jeanluc..

  3. moos 20 December 2008 at 12:17 - Reply

    thnx jeanluc..

  4. Anonymous 20 December 2008 at 20:42 - Reply

    I can’t express how happy I am to see you post this rare Joseito Mateo LP. He really is the King of Merengue. About two years ago on Dominican TV they asked him why was his merengue always so good and he simply responded “It has to swing when I sing, I’m African!”

    You’re going to make a lot of people dance with this great artist. Thanks for the swing!

  5. Anonymous 20 December 2008 at 20:42 - Reply

    I can’t express how happy I am to see you post this rare Joseito Mateo LP. He really is the King of Merengue. About two years ago on Dominican TV they asked him why was his merengue always so good and he simply responded “It has to swing when I sing, I’m African!”

    You’re going to make a lot of people dance with this great artist. Thanks for the swing!

  6. jeanluc 21 December 2008 at 00:20 - Reply

    That’s quite interesting. Why did merengue change so much? Also in the videos with merengue clasico from the 70s or 80s – they dance totally different (with more swing, more style) then dominicans dance today.

    Maybe the relaxed groove moved to bachata (boleros). While orchestre merengue lost maybe more then the half of his market space to the upcoming bachata wave from the mid of the 90s.

    With reggaeton influences the mambo merengue became new advance the last years.

    The cd-market is totally down. Less new album productions and fast produced promotion stuff for the internet…

  7. jeanluc 21 December 2008 at 00:20 - Reply

    That’s quite interesting. Why did merengue change so much? Also in the videos with merengue clasico from the 70s or 80s – they dance totally different (with more swing, more style) then dominicans dance today.

    Maybe the relaxed groove moved to bachata (boleros). While orchestre merengue lost maybe more then the half of his market space to the upcoming bachata wave from the mid of the 90s.

    With reggaeton influences the mambo merengue became new advance the last years.

    The cd-market is totally down. Less new album productions and fast produced promotion stuff for the internet…

  8. moos 21 December 2008 at 09:16 - Reply

    Merengue changed in multiple ways. For one, it became almost twice as fast as it usewd to be earlier.
    I’ve been told once that it was under the influence of using cocaine that it became so fast today. if it’s true….?

  9. moos 21 December 2008 at 09:16 - Reply

    Merengue changed in multiple ways. For one, it became almost twice as fast as it usewd to be earlier.
    I’ve been told once that it was under the influence of using cocaine that it became so fast today. if it’s true….?

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