February 25, 2009

Tito Rodriguez and his Orchestra – Charanga Pachanga, United Artists

Tito Rodriguez, front

Puerto Rican singer and percussionist Tito Rodriguez moved to New
York in the 30’s. He later became one of the biggest bandleaders
who worked all the big Latin clubs like the famous Palladium.


1 Componte cundunga
2 Sobando el son
3 A callarse
4 Bacalao salao
5 Ahora me toca a mi
6 El latigo
7 Manteca de coco
8 Que cocine caridad
9 El panuelo
10 Oiganlo


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  1. Roxana27 26 February 2009 at 06:39 - Reply

    wonderful !!

  2. Anonymous 26 February 2009 at 21:23 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    Another great album. Just wondering, when I put it in Media player the tracks come out as 2-10. Was there a track 1 or did it just get wrongly numbered & should be 1-9…..if you see what I mean?


  3. Anonymous 26 February 2009 at 21:23 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    Another great album. Just wondering, when I put it in Media player the tracks come out as 2-10. Was there a track 1 or did it just get wrongly numbered & should be 1-9…..if you see what I mean?


  4. moos 26 February 2009 at 22:42 - Reply

    strange thing, J the file I used is complete. I’ll take a look at it..

  5. moos 26 February 2009 at 22:42 - Reply

    strange thing, J the file I used is complete. I’ll take a look at it..

  6. Anonymous 27 February 2009 at 07:49 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Sorry I’ve completely wasted your time here. Just gone to my recycling bin & restored the original RAR file. Extracted the files again & there is track 1. Must have somehow deleted it first time. Apologies.


  7. Anonymous 27 February 2009 at 07:49 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Sorry I’ve completely wasted your time here. Just gone to my recycling bin & restored the original RAR file. Extracted the files again & there is track 1. Must have somehow deleted it first time. Apologies.


  8. moos 27 February 2009 at 09:26 - Reply

    No problem J, stay tuned..

  9. moos 27 February 2009 at 09:26 - Reply

    No problem J, stay tuned..

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