June 17, 2009

Sam Mangwana & l’African All Stars International -Vol. 1, Matinda, Albarika Stores 1979

Sam Mangwana, the Pigeon Voyageur, left Congo in 1976 and formed
the African All Stars in Abidjan. On this LP we hear only Stars,
Dizzy Mandjekou – Solo guitar,
Lokassa Ya Mbongo – Rhythm guitar
Kanyama ‘Ringo’ Moya Lotula – Drums
Syran Mbenza – 2nd Solo guitar
Bopol Mansiamina – Bass
Pablo Lubadika Porthos – Bass
David Diambouana – Saxophone
Tidiane – Saxophone
Sam Mangwana – Vocal
The music is in fact Congolese but being recorded in West Africa,
it has a more uptempo Nigerian-like sound with certain Highlife
elements. I saw this LP somewhere before but could not resist
ripping it oncemore, enjoy it !


1 Matinda
2 Zamba y’Africa
3 Djamo djamo
4 Est ce que ça tourne ?


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  1. Olavo di Txada 18 June 2009 at 08:09 - Reply

    Ahhh! Thank you for letting us hear more from the wonderful Sam Mangwana!
    The rain is pouring down in Oslo, but the sun shines from the music!

  2. symbolkid 18 June 2009 at 18:34 - Reply

    great record! but it looks like missing a very beginning of the first tune?

  3. Anonymous 18 June 2009 at 19:07 - Reply

    Simply great!!!
    Thanks for sharing

  4. moos 18 June 2009 at 21:25 - Reply

    So sorry for that tiny first part missing…

  5. soukousman 20 June 2009 at 22:12 - Reply

    Thanks for posting this rare gem, I’ve been looking for this.

  6. David 20 October 2012 at 16:46 - Reply

    I am so glad I managed to grab this one (and quite a lot of other Mangwana!) when you re-upped after Mediafire’s *first* attack… I’m waiting for the day when GG2 arrives and we can all hear the music as well as see (and long for!) the albums that Mediafire have taken away :-( Keep on posting, Moos, we love you for it !!

  7. Nyada ava Francois 12 April 2016 at 05:26 - Reply

    excellent ca faisais plus de 20 ans que je n’avais plus écouté une si belle music

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