March 9, 2014

La Picardia de José A. Bedoya con los nuevos éxitos de José Muñoz Lyra

José A. Bedoya, front

My first encounter with Colombian parrandera music was through
Guillermo Buitrago. ( of whom soon more to follow ) After that I went
out searching for more in that style. The artist I want to introduce to
you today is one from the same school. José A. Bedoya was born
in Frontino Antioquia, biography in Spanish
Parranda music is accoustic but it really rocks,
listen to it yourself..
The sleeve says “forbidden on radio”, what would that mean ?


1 El timbre
2 Que te estas comiendo
3 La araña peligrosa
4 El estafador
5 Toque las maracas
6 El valero
7 El ladron
8 El comerciante
9 El acomedido
10 Que bizcochito
11 El pajarito
12 El gallo de helena


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  1. Anonymous 11 March 2014 at 02:30 - Reply

    gotta love that cover! i&#39;m surprised nobody has commented on it, yet…<br /><br />;p

  2. Anonymous 13 March 2014 at 12:58 - Reply

    Thank you very much for expanding my horizons again, I was not familiar with parrandera and have been enjoying this.

  3. Anonymous 19 March 2014 at 18:42 - Reply

    Hi Moos,<br />I haven&#39;t listened to this yet, but the &#39;forbidden on radio&#39; probably refers to the lyrical content. <br /><br />Picardía is a type of joke, using slang &amp; double-entendre, and often referring to sex.<br /><br />As always, thanks for your great posts.<br />-peacenik

  4. Fabiano Fazion 19 April 2014 at 13:59 - Reply

    Certainly the &#39;forbidden on radio&#39; refers to the lyrics, due to the &#39;picardia&#39; on them, as commented by peacenik.<br />In that times, in Colombia as in most parts of Latin America, there was a strong sense oh morality, mostly of Catholic roots, and usualy paradoxical to the practice in private lives (as can be seen in the making of such records like this one, and in other kinds of

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