November 3, 2014

Que Siga el Baile – Various Artists
Regis / Victoria R-3062

Que Siga el Baile, front

Good morning groovers, I wasn’t able to see downloadnumbers exactly
as they are since the new page has come active. My engineers have
made it possible now and I must say it brought me some pleasant
surprises. For example, I did not expect Ases del Ritmo in our top 10,
same thing counts for Global Sampler vol. 43. It is on number 14, not
bad at all. The numbers give me an awesome insight on what’s most
popular here at the GG. I always figured that the albums that gained
the most comments were also the most downloaded ones but that
isn’t the case at all. This information is very valuable to me, it
helps me determine what to post.So lovers of Colombian music,
I am happy to see so many downloads in this section.
Enjoy this fine collector which contains
a number of great songs.


1 Policarpo Calle – Solo fui el varon
2 Marciano Torres – La visita
3 Policarpo Calle – El tutumbao
4 Diego Espinoza – Que siga el baile
5 Marciano Torres – Bailala mayo
6 Miguel Duran – Pachanguera del sinu
7 Marciano Torres – La verdolaga
8 Policarpo Calle – Mi canoita
9 Diego Espinoza – La coronela
10 Policarpo Calle – Tierra adentro
11 Marciano Torres – El gallito
12 Miguel Duran – Abajo del platanal



  1. Bart 3 November 2014 at 23:47 - Reply

    Seems to be one from the late 60’s or 70’s (picture), a time when there was little interest in making money out of record-making, but just sharing ways to have a real ‘fiesta’. Especially in that part of the world. And promoting artists for their live shows.
    (my opinion that is…)
    Great to find more & more music in that style with you Moos, thanks!

  2. esibo 4 November 2014 at 05:35 - Reply

    Can u publish these stats?

    • Moos 4 November 2014 at 08:47 - Reply

      I could show a top ten of downloads or something similar,
      the exact numbers will remain hidden however, sorry it’s a policy thing..

      • esibo 5 November 2014 at 06:23 - Reply

        Good enough. I want to know the top downloads and sample the songs. If there are Colombian songs, I may be inclined to broaden my musical tastes

        • Moos 5 November 2014 at 08:35 - Reply

          Okay Esibo, This is the top 10 of our downloads, have fun with it..

          1 John Chibadura – Kurera
          2 Quatres Etoiles – Quatres Vedettes
          3 Arsenio Rodriguez – Primitivo
          4 Tout Puissant OK Jazz – Maby
          5 Varieté Africaine vol.6 – Various Artists
          6 Super Mazembe – Kaivaska
          7 Ases del Ritmo – Costa Brava vol.1
          8 Bavon Marie-Marie – Accompagne par Jules Celestin et lOrchestre Vox-Action
          9 Cumbias Solamente Cumbias vol. 2 – Various Artists
          10 Mose Se Sengo – Belle Epoque
          11 Ikenga – Celestine Ukwu Special

  3. aduna 4 November 2014 at 09:24 - Reply

    Hello Moos,
    For my own, it’s not possible to upload your files with Firefox since/from (my limited english!!!) 2 month (working well at the beginnig of the new site). It’s working well with Safari (i’m under OS X).
    Anyway, many thanks for your great work.

    • Moos 5 November 2014 at 08:38 - Reply

      Dear Aduna,
      I’m afraid I don’t know the terms you use here,
      uploading with firefox, okay so far I’m with you,
      AboutSafari or OS X, I’d have to ask my specialist who is
      on a short trip, I’ll get back on it..

      • aduna 5 November 2014 at 10:13 - Reply

        Sorry, my message was about dowloading (not working with Firefox for me).

        • aduna 27 November 2014 at 14:16 - Reply

          My dowloading troubles with Firefox are now are fixed. Many thanks

  4. Thomas 4 November 2014 at 11:26 - Reply

    Dear Moos!
    Your statement that South American music becomes more often downloaded then African Music did not surprise me.
    If you would consider the general conditions most africans are facing you would know why. Be aware the Africans are most interested in their music but beside the hardships they are facing their possibilities to download are limited, connections to the web are expensive and slow.
    I started to send downloaded music to West Africa in 2010 and just recently I filled a HDD of 500GBs. Most of the downloads I took from your blog, unfortuantely I was not able to send 2 posts I was asked for.
    On Aug. 20th I informed you:
    1) Sam Mangwana, Eddy’Son Consortium Mondial 1979 – sonic 79390 is wrongly liked to sonic 79391
    2) Franco & l’Orchestre TP OK Jazz – Editions Populaires, african 360.056 is wrongly linked to african 360.053
    It would be very nice if you correct the above mentioned.

    If you are working on your blog, you should enter it also from the outside to go to
    Kalle & l’African Team -Tango ya ba Wendo Vol. II african 1970
    If you follow your own links within the text, you know yourself what is to become redirected.

    Continue to post African Music, there are more listeners than you may expect.

    Best regards


    • Moos 4 November 2014 at 11:35 - Reply

      Hi Thomas, thanks for your kind reaction. To be honest I don’t think so many Africans are visiting here anyway. The majaority of our visitors is from the United States, second comes colombia and the first African country on the list is Kenya on number 9. To think only Africans download African music or only South Americans their music is an illusion off course.

      Thank you very much for telling me about wrong links, I’ll be working on it as soon as I can..

  5. Matt 7 November 2014 at 14:43 - Reply

    Thank you for this and Sampler Vol. 44, a lot of great stuff!

  6. el profe 7 November 2014 at 17:57 - Reply

    gracias por la alta calidad y el cuidado con el cual usted esta digitalisando tantas maravillas, este global groovers es la neta del planeta

  7. Lorenz 9 February 2022 at 06:57 - Reply

    Tienes el de marciano torres el medio paso o el de que medicina

    • Moos 9 February 2022 at 16:06 - Reply

      I’m sorry, no lo tengo ..

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