August 11, 2018

Orchestre Bella Bella , Soki Vangu
Petite Zizina, Star/Shakara 0017


Het is altijd prachtig als je op Youtube de video vindt die bij
het plaatje hoort. Vandaag hebben we zo’n mazzeltje met
Petite Zizina van Soki Vangu en orchestre Bella Bella. Erg
fijne plaat en zeer vermakelijk filmpje. Die vier dansers zijn
gewoon miraculeus. De elpee vonden we wederom via vriend
Aidan die dit zeldzame pareltje meebracht uit Congo.
Merci beaucoup mon ami..

It is always a joy when we find the video on Youtube which
belongs to the album. Today we have such luck with this lp
by Soki Vangu and Orchestre Bella Bella with the song Petite
Zizina. Very enjoyable record and dito video. The four dancers
are just miraculous. We found the record through our friend
Aidan who brought it back from Congo.
Merci beaucoup mon ami..

01 – Anina la fille de mon coeur
02 – Soki vangu aye
03 – Petite zizina
04 – N’zing zong


This one is also wonderful and gives more than two hours
watching pleasure, rare and great footage..
..really funny and over the top dressed up dancers
on 28.16 min. Soki Vangu also loves it..
..on 32.08 min. we see Soki Vangu in a video where he
clearly didn’t rehearse upfront, he even forgets to playback..

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  1. Tim Harrison 11 August 2018 at 13:26 - Reply

    Wonderful music, and thank you so much for sharing the great video.

  2. Harris Diavua Salakiaku 20 August 2018 at 17:47 - Reply

    Hey Moos I hope you are alright I just wanted an album do you have this Congolese album that features Kester Emeneya?

    • Moos 21 August 2018 at 05:26 - Reply

      sorry, don’t have that one..

      • Harris Diavua Salakiaku 21 August 2018 at 12:16 - Reply

        No problem thanks

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