May 6, 2021

The Kings Brothers of Kitwe
Seasonal Top Release
Nokwa Records 1977

I tell you straight, this must be one of, if not, the dustiest
and most crackly old record I have ever posted. It also has
the most worn out sleeve. It is an obscurity. Discogs knows
the band but not this album. Still, crackly or not, the music
is of interest and I didn’t want to withhold it from you.
So switch on your noise filter, listen through the
background (foreground-) noises and enjoy
the Kings Brothers of Kitwe anyway ..
P.S. sleeve and label give different names
to the songs, I’ll tell you both but use the
label version in the file ..

Ik zeg het je maar direct, dit moet zo’n beetje een van de,
als niet, meest krakerige platen zijn die ik ooit gebracht heb.
Hij heeft tevens een zeer gehavende hoes. Het is een tamelijke
obscuriteit. Discogs kent de band wel, maar dit album niet. Hoe
dan ook, krakerig of niet, de muziek is van een interessant gehalte
en ik wilde hem je niet weerhouden. Dus zet je ruisfilter aan,
luister door de achter- of voorgrond geluiden heen
en vermaak je met the Kings Brothers of Kitwe ..
P.S. hoes en label geven verschillende
titels van de songs, ik geef ze je beiden,
maar gebruik de label versie in de file ..


01 – Ewind miki anying
02 – Godien egalo
03 – Jokpuenja yaliha
04 – Josephine odyingo
05 – Phieby adamby 1
06 – Phiebe adamby 2
07 – Merry riema 1
08 – Merry riema 2

01 – Godeam ogolos
02 – Yen meki kabu
03 – Jossy onyigo
04 – Jafu yulah
05 – Pheoby ambo 1
06 – Pheoby ambo 2
07 – Margy korima 1
08 – Margy korima 2


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  1. Pete 6 May 2021 at 08:20 - Reply

    Finally some more Kenyan music. Thanks for sharing.

  2. ians 6 May 2021 at 11:36 - Reply

    Wonderful ! Thanks a lot

  3. Pius 6 May 2021 at 16:32 - Reply

    Dear Moos,
    I was born and have lived in Kenya over 60 years, but have not heard a band by that name to come from Kenya. Even the track names do not have anything to do with Kenya. Please check your facts, it is probably Nigerian

    • Moos 6 May 2021 at 17:02 - Reply

      Hey, I think you are right, Kitwe is in Zambia..
      the music sounds so much like Benga and the label
      also says Ikwokirikwo, a term which is used on
      various Benga albums from Kenya. So what do you
      think Pius ? Does this concern Benga from Zambia ?

      • Pius 6 May 2021 at 18:56 - Reply

        The term “Ikwokirikwo” may not make any sence to tagging this to Kenya. It may be Benga, I do not dispute. However, even the previous post with that terminology may have their origin in Nigeria.
        1. Orchestre D.O. 7 Shirati Jazz – Elizabeth
        Editions Jicco 1976; is on Jicco Records, a Nigerian label.
        2. Shirati Luo Voice Jazz -Ikwokirikwo Hits of East Africa
        Sungura 1972; You also confess that the cover was found online, and that your copy came in a wrong cover.
        I do agree that Kenya has quite a number of tribal groupings, however, the terminology has no meaning here in Kenya, even in a name!

        • Moos 7 May 2021 at 05:45 - Reply

          Hi Pius, I can’t dispute with you about Kenyan language issues,
          living in Holland I have no knowledge there. The term Ikwokirikwo
          is on various Benga albums. No idea why. What I am sure about however
          is that Daniel Owino Misiani is Kenyan, Sungura is a Kenyan label
          and Benga is Kenyan music. If you look on Discogs one of the albums by
          the Kings Brothers is tagged Kenya and one is tagged Nigeria.
          One thing is certain, the music is not Nigerian ..
          Anybody else with knowledge about the Kings Brothers ?

    • Ben 22 May 2022 at 05:19 - Reply

      These are records that the producers were selling to the Nigerian markets to earn extra money without the musicians knowledge. The labels are Nigerian generated but the tracks are Kenyan

      • Moos 22 May 2022 at 07:20 - Reply

        thank you so much for clearing up the matter Ben,
        great feedback with the titles and story behind
        this strange release, wonderful ..

  4. DiJiT 7 May 2021 at 02:22 - Reply

    Thank you, Moos!!
    And every one who comments and helps make this blog such a sweet spot.

  5. Jairo 15 May 2021 at 21:20 - Reply

    excelente álbum, que posibilidad hay de que lo monten con mejor calidad de sonido, tiene mucha distorsión y no deja disfrutar plenamente de los temas musicales.

  6. Balakirev 16 May 2021 at 21:35 - Reply

    As with the others above, many thanks for the album, Moos. Learning about this music in discussions makes it all real in a way that simply downloading a group of releases never does.

    • Moos 17 May 2021 at 06:24 - Reply

      thank you for the feedback Balakirev .. cheers

  7. Ben 22 May 2022 at 05:16 - Reply

    The right labes are these:
    01 – Owila Lakeside – Mikeyini Kabudha
    02 – Owila Lakeside – Ogolo Gordon
    03 – Gem Lucky – Jossy Onyango
    04 – Gem Lucky – Harun Wandayi
    05 – Nyagowa Family – Fibi Adhiambo I
    06 – Nyagowa Family – Fibi Adhiambo II
    07 – Gem Lucky – Margy Koriema I
    08 – Gem Lucky – Margy Koriema II

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