November 20, 2014

Orquesta “A”, Numero 1
Sonora Curro – Timba y Tambó
Candelazos Curro vol. 4
Discos Curro 1978

Sonora Curro, front

Albums like this are hard to find over here
in the Netherlands ? We are so lucky to have the
guys in our network that bring home these rare lp’s from
Colombia. Rufo Garrido and José Pianeta Pitalua are the
guys that lead this Orquesta. It remains a mystery why
Colombians keep using these B-models at the sleeves
of wonderful albums like this one.
I found some footage to help you get an other
impression, watch & listen..


1 El colombo americano
2 Agárrate
3 Muchacho galán
4 Dos ma
5 Gózalo mi amor
6 Timba y tambó
7 Yo no quiero perra
8 Catana
9 Brincando el carro
10 Que toque rufo



  1. Thankfull Guy 20 November 2014 at 13:41 - Reply

    Probably the Colombian record companies knew what they were doing: the idea of interacting with women at the beach while listening to the music sold the records. I find the covers funny. Anyway, I’d like to know more about the record companies from Colombia. Maybe there’s a book somewhere.
    Thanks again.

  2. guscumbiambas 21 November 2014 at 16:19 - Reply

    Woww!! Sensacionales lps amigo moos muchos agradecimientos por compartir estas joyas musicales que ya muchas de este genero no son faciles de adquir gracias te envio un fuerte abrazo y un gran saludo

    • c-record 13 June 2021 at 06:32 - Reply

      i second that. thanks for sharing these rare gems!

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