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  • Tuesday February 3, 2009



    It’s purely coincidental this LP also shows a photo of the artist
    with a burning cigarette. I was not looking for it, but when I
    was ripping it I found out. I must say, it didn’t harm
    Carlos Lyra’s voice aswell.

    Some two years ago I first got aquainted with the phenomena
    of ‘Music Blogs’. It was because a friend pointed me the great
    Loronix, the best blog on the web when it concerns Brazilian
    music. I got hooked to visiting the Great Zeca Louro’s Loronix
    and did not start one day without going there. Zeca, I want to
    dedicate this album to you, without you I would not even know
    about Carlos Lyra’s existence. Thank you so much for showing me
    all that wonderful music, Loronix is not just a music blog,
    it is a ‘Bossa Nova Institution’ and my great example !
    Check Loronix at our sidebar !

    Carlos Lyra is one of the inventors of Bossa Nova, he was one
    of the first to record a Bossa Nova album. Several of the songs
    he wrote and co-wrote with for instance Vinicius de Moraes
    became Bossa Nova standards later. A song like ‘Maria Ninguém’
    was interpreted by practically every Brazilian musician.
    Enjoy the Bossa Nova of Carlos Lyra.


    1 Chora tua tristeza
    2 Ciume
    3 Barquinho de papel
    4 Rapaz de bem
    5 Só mesmo do amor
    6 Gosto de você
    7 Quando chegares
    8 Maria Ninguém
    9 Cançao do olhar amado
    10 O bem do amor
    11 Menina
    12 Sem saudade de você


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:03 PM