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Categorie archives: Sirimbó

  • Saturday October 11, 2014

    Pinduca, front

    Good morning groovers, I am so very happy to be independent,
    I found another album that disappeared from the old page. We
    copied everything from there to build the new page but now I
    find that some albums have simply been removed by Blogger.
    I was going to bring you volume two of Pinduca’s ‘Carimbó e
    Sirimbó’. I am very sure to have posted volume one about a
    year ago but now I find it gone. My regards to Blogger and
    here it is again, this time it’s here to stay. So you’re being
    lucky today since here are volumes one and two in the
    same post. Pinduca is from Brazil’s northern city Belém
    that lies at the mouth of the Amazone river and is the
    capital of Pará province. His carimbó is a style on it’s
    own, nice rhythms, very different from the music you
    are used to find in Brazil, it’s no samba, it’s no forró,
    it’s carimbó and sirimbó..listen..

    tracks volume one;

    1 Sirimbó
    2 Menina, menina
    3 Ariramba
    4 Dona maria
    5 O caçador
    6 Comanchera, comanchera
    7 Filha do lavrador
    8 Morena eu caio
    9 Tucandeira
    10 Pot-pourri de carimbós
    – Menina, menina
    – Tucandeira
    – O caçador
    – Airamba


    Pinduca, front

    tracks volume two;

    1 O pinto
    2 Vamos farrear
    3 Ralador
    4 Farinhada
    5 Lobisomem no quintal
    6 Comathera do amor
    7 Sinhá pureza
    8 Leão faminto
    9 Pisar no milho
    10 Mato cheiroso
    11 Sirimbó do vovó
    12 Carimbó do mato
    13 Dormindo e sonhando


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:02 AM