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Categorie archives: Bolero Son
- Sunday September 6, 2015
Chivirico Dávila’s real name was Rafael Dávila Rosario.
He was born Puerto Rican, this album on Cotique was
recorded in New York. He worked with many different
artists in many different countries but never gained the
recognition he deserved. Listen to this great album..tracks;
01 – Para mi gente
02 – Enamorado
03 – Tumba
04 – Quizas, quizas
05 – Gavilan
06 – Yare, yare
07 – Por equivocacion
08 – La mujer del peso
09 – Cristal
10 – Mar y cieloPosted by Moosat 11:14 AMCategories
- Wednesday May 20, 2015
To make up for the failing post of this morning, some
son montuno to cheer you up. I saw them around the
time they made this cd. It was in Utrecht and I remember
how Marcos González made a big impression, great band.
Get this Cuban sweetness now..tracks;
01 – Juana peña
02 – Dundunbanza
03 – No me llores mas
04 – Bururú barara05
05 – Chango ta’ veni
06 – Mi guajira son
07 – Cangrejo fue a estudiar
08 – Kila kike y chocolate
09 – El gago
10 – El reloj de pastoraPosted by Moosat 12:01 AMCategories
- Saturday February 14, 2015
My buddy René went to Cuba with his daughter, they
travelled around for two weeks and came home with
some real nice lp’s. Take this one by Septeto Nacional
de Ignacio Piñeiro, I fell for it straight away. What a
stunning record, the son is just breathtaking. I don’t
know about you, better get it and listen instantly,
once you’ve heard it there’s no turning back.
Thank you so very much René,
you’re the best..tracks;
01 – Compay gallo
02 – Palomo
03 – Soy de matanzas
04 – El son hay que llevarlo en el corazon
05 – Tudo en conjunto
06 – Las cuatro palomas
07 – ¿Por que me guardas rencor?
08 – La mujer de antonio
09 – El viandero
10 – Consulate como yo
11 – Solamente una vez
12 – Noche de conga ( tu maningo )Posted by Moosat 7:13 PMCategories
- Sunday August 30, 2009
Most of time, Bolero is too sweet for my ears but Carlos Embales
brings it with some little rough edges that make it exactly right.
Embales is famous for his rumba but for this occasion he treats us
with Bolero, Guaguancó, Pregón and Son, his beats are imbeatable.tracks;
1 Me duele el corazon
2 El final no Llegara
3 Mayeya o no jueges con los santos
4 Sola y triste
5 La vida es una semana
6 Coco may may
7 Imperdonable
8 Cardenas
9 Llego el dulcerito
10 Crei que era mia
11 Llora como llore
12 Tu, mi AfinidadPosted by Moosat 1:35 PMCategories
- Friday July 24, 2009
It must have been 1997 or 8 when one of my friends gave me this ticket
for my birthday. It was for a night in the Amsterdam theater ‘Carré’.
Performing that evening was the fantastic group, Buena Vista Social Club.
It was also my first encounter with Pio Leiva who was one of the old
Cuban singers in the original set up. Wim Wenders was filming the band
for his movie that evening and we had a sweet time. This is an old LP
by Pio Leiva I found not so long ago. One of our visitors requested
some Cuban folk and I thought this one to be appropriate.tracks;
1 Oye como suena
2 El pirimpimpin
3 Como mango
4 Te lo juro
5 Pobre Nicolas
6 El Pio mentiroso
7 Mis tres mujeres
8 Chachaguere
9 Anabacoa
10 Dime adios Caramelina
11 Adios Mariquita linda
12 Cariñoso si, mentiroso noPosted by Moosat 8:41 PM - Saturday May 16, 2009
Good afternoon, today I felt like playing a little merengue and
who sings a better merengue than Joseito Mateo ? This LP on
Ansonia of which I cant seem to find any information, brings
us Joseito like no other. I am fund of this cover, with that
old microphone. Goza con el merengue de Joseito Mateo !tracks;
1 Perjura
2 La vacuna
3 Carmen
4 Si me agarras goza
5 Fui
6 El amargado
7 A Baracoa me voy
8 Estoy amargado
9 Tienen melao
10 Borinqueña
11 Conozco tu pasado
12 Anoche soñePosted by Moosat 1:03 PMCategories
- Wednesday December 17, 2008
I have never heard one bad tune by these guys, everything
they play sounds great. This is an oldie on Ansonia, anyone
who knows from what year it is ? Los Guaracheros de Oriente
played all over the globe and with great succes everywhere.
From the almost unreal amount of downloads on the previous
LP I posted by these men, I would say, don’t miss it !tracks;
1 El tira y jala
2 Migajas de cariño-aquella boca
3 La fiesta de los feos
4 Como tu
5 Soy un peje
6 La mulata
7 Tatalibaba
8 Si llego a besarte
9 La juma de ayer
10 Embriagame
11 Asi cantaba
12 Compay GalloPosted by Moosat 10:14 PMCategories
- Friday December 12, 2008
It was in 1997, when ‘Buena Vista Social Club’ launched their
historic first cd with Ry Cooder, that I learned about Pio Leiva.
He was one of the singers, that worked with Compay Segundo
since the 50’s. Leiva was one of the main performers of the
Montuno genre, they called him ‘el Montunero de Cuba’.
He wrote the number ‘Francisco Guayabal’ that became a hit
via Beny Moré and played with Bebo Valdes and Noro Moralez.
I was one of the lucky visitors of the Amsterdam Carré Theater
when Wim Wenders made his movie of the Buena Vista Social Club,
an unforgettable evening.
This is an album on his own name and it’s a great one.
Listen to Pio Leiva !tracks;
1 Mi chiquita
2 Bajo un palmar
3 Mireya
4 La juma de ayer
5 No te preocupes
6 Pescadores de Camaron
7 La noche buena
8 Un jardinero de amor
9 Torcuata
10 Que me digan feo
11 Cangrejada
12 Los golpes de caridadPosted by Moosat 10:34 PMCategories
Cotique 1976