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Categorie archives: Puerto Rico
- Sunday August 20, 2017
The brothers Mario and Ignacio Hernández take care of the
vocal parts but Mario is the one making the sound in this
group. His skills on the tres are magnificent. Listen to Sexteto
Borinquen from 1974 and original from Puerto Rico but released
on the Ansonia label from New york. In general I am no lover of
bolero but the way these guys play it, sweet stuff..Dit zijn de jongens van Sexteto Borinquen, Mario Hernández
en zijn broer Ignacio doen de vokalen. De magnifieke skills
van Mario en zijn tres maken de sound naar mijn mening.
Uit 1974 en origineel uit Puerto Rico maar uitgebracht op
Ansonia uit New York. Over het algemeen ben ik geen
liefhebber van bolero maar zo als deze jongens het
spelen, heerlijk hoor..tracks ;
01 – Me llaman el rey
02 – Suplica
03 – El pilonero
04 – Vuelve
05 – Falsedad
06 – El yerbero
07 – Ausencia
08 – El tumaito
09 – Sara mia
10 – Tu no sabe n’a
11 – Seria capaz
12 – Cosita lindaPosted by Moosat 9:17 AMCategories
- Saturday June 4, 2016
De elpee die we hier hebben op Discos Fuentes uit 1973 is een
mix van Colombiaanse en Puerto Ricaanse nummers. Een beetje
vreemde combinatie van stijlen maar wel heel fijn om zo door
elkaar te beluisteren. De plaat bevat een aantal juweeltjes
die de trommelvliezen strelen, luister zelf..The record we’ve got us here today on Discos Fuentes from 1973
contains a mixture of Colombian and Puerto Rican songs. A little
strange combination of styles but quite pleasurable to listen to
this way. The album contains a number of sheer jewels
that will tickle your eardrums, listen yourself..titels ;
01 – El Indio de Bayamon – El conejo listo
02 – Eliseo Herrera – La jodedera
03 – Lisandro Meza y su Conjunto – La cartera en el parque
04 – Juancho Polo Valencia y su Conjunto – El divorcio
05 – German Rosario – Debajo de un mosquitero
06 – Anibal Velasquez – Golpe tocuyano
07 – Ricardo Cardenas y su Conjunto – No regreses
08 – Crecencio Camacho y los Boquilleros – Da que te vienen dando
09 – Orquesta Ritmo de Sabanas – Chula vende chicha
10 – Pacho Rada y su Conjunto – Cipote luto
11 – Conjunto Tipico Ladi – Desacuerdo
12 – Pianonegro – La yema
13 – Lisandro Meza y su Conjunto – Señor presidente
14 – Anibal Velasquez y su Conjunto – Repartiendo el lechonPosted by Moosat 10:44 AMCategories
- Saturday January 30, 2016
Je kunt mij beter nooit te serieus nemen hoor. Ik loop hier ook
maar een beetje te dollen met wie er maar gevoelig voor is. Ik
meen het wel als ik zeg verbreed je horizon en luister ook eens
naar muziek waarvan je eerst denkt, dat is niks voor mij. Neem
nou deze Felix Morales en zijn Orchestra Capri, een club muzi-
kanten waarvan ik zeg, die snappen het. Alles in balans, niets te
veel of te weinig. Met Ismael Quintana, Adalberto Santiago, Vitin
Aviles en Pete ‘Conde’ Rodriguez slechts in het achtergrond koortje.
Dukie Gonzalez doet de lead vocalen, Charlie Rodriguez op de tres,
ik noem er zomaar een paar. schitterende arrangementen, niet te
missen dit spul. En pietsie achtergrond geluiden maar net
niet te veel gelukkig, pak het en geniet ervan zoals ik..Better don’t take me too serious folks, I’m just fooling around with
whoever wants to be fooled around with. I do mean it when I say
broaden your horizon, without wanting to hurt anybody’s feeling.
Take this album of Felix Morales and his Orchestra Capri, a bunch
of musicians who knew what they were doing. Everything is in
perfect balance, nothing too much or too little. Ismael Quintana,
Adalberto Santiago, Vitin Aviles en Pete ‘Conde’ Rodriguez just
being background vocals. Dukie Gonzalez taking care of the lead
vocals, Charlie Rodrigues on tres, just naming a few. astonishing
arrangements, don’t miss. Shame about a little background noise
on this fine record, but not too much, enjoy listening..titels ;
01 – Lo que soy
02 – Vagabundo
03 – No me mires
04 – Tapame contigo
05 – Sigue ella boba
06 – Bomboncito
07 – Virgencita ayudame
08 – prefiero el son
09 – Mi son montuno
10 – Guaguanco a todos los barriosPosted by Moosat 12:34 AMCategories
- Sunday September 6, 2015
Chivirico Dávila’s real name was Rafael Dávila Rosario.
He was born Puerto Rican, this album on Cotique was
recorded in New York. He worked with many different
artists in many different countries but never gained the
recognition he deserved. Listen to this great album..tracks;
01 – Para mi gente
02 – Enamorado
03 – Tumba
04 – Quizas, quizas
05 – Gavilan
06 – Yare, yare
07 – Por equivocacion
08 – La mujer del peso
09 – Cristal
10 – Mar y cieloPosted by Moosat 11:14 AMCategories
- Wednesday July 1, 2015
Some visitor told me our GG is very plane and does
not give a whole lot of information about artists and
their works. It’s true, we don’t, but that is exactly the
idea. It is meant just this way. I’m sure you know, it’s
like radiostations where they keep talking like mad and
put listening to music second place. Very annoying to my
opinion. Lots of bloggers love to hear themselves blabbering
about their content as well. Here at the global groove we
put music up front, listen if you want and form your own
opinion about it. What have we got today?
Let’s see..Do you remember the works of Ramito, ‘el Cantor de
la Montaña’ ? We had a bunch of his albums but it’s
been a while since the last one. Jibaro from Puerto
Rico is sparkling string driven latin, very energetic
and up tempo. The songs are mostly patriottic
but breath a lot of happiness. On this album
Ramito is accompanied by Nieves Quintero
y sus Campesinos. Hope U like’m like
I do, get & spread ..tracks;
01 – Puerto Rico esta acabando
02 – Nada por nada
03 – Los timidos no pagan
04 – En mi viejo san juan
05 – Bailala
06 – Parrandeando
07 – Mi ultimo poema
08 – Ahora seremos felices
09 – El cautivo
10 – ResignacionPosted by Moosat 8:44 AMCategories
- Sunday August 3, 2014
From the moment I first laid my ears on it, I was sold.
Jíbaro from Puerto Rico is a style of music impossible
to ignore, we had a bunch of lp’s already. Ramito, Chuito
and one by German Rosario too. This one was waiting
for a while to find it’s place and today it finally comes
through to you. Hope you like it,
No need to rush however,
it is here to stay.tracks;
1 Todo lo tenia postizo
2 A puerto rico
3 Dime quien tiene tu amor
4 A solas con mi dolor
5 Huerfano en la vida
6 Las chicharroneras
7 Esdrujula
8 Celo matrimonial
9 Con la cruz a cuestas
10 Anoche mientras dormia
11 Castigo
12 Que delito me cometido ?Posted by Moosat 10:01 AMCategories
- Monday May 26, 2014
Do you remember ’Jibaro Soy’ by Raphy Leavitt ?
It was an album that made loads of people happy,
today we have another salsa lp by his hand. Make
sure to get it in time, straight dancefloor material..tracks;
1 Voces del africa
2 Despertar
3 Mundo incierto
4 Soroco
5 El invasor
6 Danzon guajira
7 Lejos de ti
8 NiñezPosted by Moosat 4:11 PMCategories
- Thursday September 20, 2012
From Puerto Rico we have us another album by the great Chuíto.
He performs a style called ‘jíbaro’ of which we had several other
lp’s. The most famous artists in this genre must be ‘Ramito’,
‘Chuíto’, ‘Odilio Gonzalez’ and ‘German Rosario’. I love
the pure and honest instrumentation in this type of
sound, the years in which Ansonia released these
albums are to be guessed but that doesn’t spoil
the fun of listening to them, enjoy.tracks;
1 El regreso de la vieja voladora
2 Santo nombre de jesus
3 En amor no pego una
4 Seguire tu amor
5 Si yo fuera mozo
6 El jaragual
7 Manjares navideños
8 Ni hablar del peluquin
9 La joya de los campanos
10 Para mi no hay navidad
11 Morire como mojica
12 El cotorro y la cotorraPosted by Moosat 9:01 AM - Monday December 26, 2011
Jíbaro is Puerto Rico’s country music. One of it’s originators
is Chuito, on this album he appears with his son Chuitín.
They are accompanied by the great Maso Rivera y su
Conjunto Típico, very strong instrumentation, listen.tracks;
1 Que vas hacer
2 Las penas mias
3 Ese barrigon no es mio
4 Besos malditos
5 Aqui se me daño lola
6 Lejos de ti
7 La numero cien
8 Se que volveras
9 No te casaras
10 La mama y la hija
11 Padre e hijo
12 La joya de los campanosPosted by Moosat 11:42 AMCategories
- Wednesday December 14, 2011
For this occasion Ramito put on his best suit, and
said to himself “I’m gonna show them something
completely different.” Ramito con Chorolo y su Combo
come in multiple style with this album. Listen.tracks;
1 Acontecimientos
2 Candela
3 Sin adios
4 Otra mujer en mi vida
5 Bomba Hawaiana
6 Velandome
7 La romana
8 Que bonita bandera
9 La chismosa
10 Salseate
11 Reina mora
12 Por el pecho noPosted by Moosat 9:24 PMCategories
cantan Ignacio y Mario Hernández
Ansonia 1974