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- Friday October 23, 2020
From the same year as yesterday’s album, same label and
also with Sly, Robbie, Barry Reynolds, Wally Badarou, Mikey
Chung and Sticky Thompson we’ve got this stunning record
by Joe Cocker. Also starring are Adrian Belew, Jimmy Cliff
and Robert Palmer. What a great line-up and ditto album.
Sly & Robbie guarantee an incredible fatback sound again ..Uit het zelfde jaar als gisteren’s album, zelfde label en ook
met Sly, Robbie, Barry Reynolds, Wally Badarou, Mikey Chung
en Sticky Thompson hebben we deze pracht plaat met Joe
Cocker. Ook van de partij zijn Adrian Belew, Jimmy Cliff en
Robert Palmer. Wat een Line-up en ditto elpee. Sly & Robbie
staan wederom garant voor een ongelooflijk dikke sound ..01 – Look what you’ve done
02 – Shocked
—- Sweet little woman
03 – Seven days
04 – Marie
05 – Ruby lee
06 – Many rivers to cross
07 – So good so right
08 – Talking back to the night
09 – Just like alwaysPosted by Moosat 7:31 AM - Thursday October 22, 2020
Vandaag maar eens een heel andere kant op. In de lange
lijst Sly & Robbie projecten is dit een plaat die hoog staat
op mijn lijstje. In 1982 kwam hij uit en scoorde direct als
geen ander. Barry Reynolds werkte jaren met Marianne
Faithfull met wie hij op deze plaat ook enkele nummers
schreef. 10 strakke tracks die naast Sly & Robbie werden
opgenomen met een aantal artiesten die vooral bekend
staan om hun werk in de reggae. We zien Wally Badarou,
Mikey Chung en Sticky Thompson. Prachtige backing vocals
door Marcia Griffiths en Judy Mowatt. Een
snoepje van de bovenste plank ..And now for something completely different. In the long list
of Sly & Robbie projects, this is a record that stands in high
position. It appeared in 1982 and immediately scored big time.
Barry Reynolds worked with Marianne Faithful for years. She
co-wrote a number of songs on this album. 10 tight tracks
that, next to Sly & Robbie, were recorded with artists we
mainly know from reggae music. We find Wally Badarou,
Mikey Chung and Sticky Thompson. Great backing vocals by
Marcia Griffiths and Judy Mowatt. A slice of sweets ..01 – I scare myself
02 – Irony
03 – Guilt
—- More money
04 – Till the doctor gets back
05 – Broken english
06 – Times square
07 – Over here (no time for justice)
08 – Give me love
09 – The bold fenian menPosted by Moosat 8:48 AM - Thursday September 3, 2020
01 – Only one dub
02 – Mount zion-I
03 – Dub forever
04 – Deep root dub
05 – Red, gold & green
06 – Highland dub
07 – Dub herbs
08 – Volcano
09 – East end dub
10 – Dub struggle
11 – Sound minded
12 – DinosaurPosted by Moosat 9:09 AM - Thursday August 20, 2020
There’s hardly a man, woman or child in Jamaica who doesn’t
know the voice of Prince Buster. Turn on the radio any hour of
the day or night, and his infectious Blue Beat is certain to start
echoing round the room. His records dominate the jukeboxes,
and wherever he appears, the “House Full” signs are displayed
long before he makes his entrance on stage. ( backsleeve ..)Prince Buster’s Blue Beat, later called Ska, conquered England
and America already in the sixties. Later his songs were covered
by many groups such as the Specials when ska music relived
from the late seventies. Contains his famous Al Capone
and Ten Commandments. Get it & spread it ..01 – Earthquake
02 – Texas hold-up
03 – Freezing up orange street
04 – Free love
05 – Julie
06 – Take it easy
07 – Judge dread
08 – Too hot
09 – Ghost dance
10 – Ten commandments
11 – Al capone
12 – Barrister pardonPosted by Moosat 7:53 AMCategories
Blue Beat, Jamaica, Rocksteady, Ska, UK - Wednesday July 29, 2020
Another 1983 delicious slice is this one by Dalek I Love You.
We enjoyed listening to it a whole lot. “Look Good, Get Smart,
Smell Nice, Work Hard, Ambition”. Wonderful lyrics, funky sound,
splendid art work “Have You Got It?” This was and still is one of my
favourite new wave albums. If you never heard it, do not hesitate,
get it and spread it as usual straight away. Again some skips may
be slightly out of place, better listen in one take ..Een andere heerlijke 1983 schijf vinyl is deze met Dalek I Love You.
We hebben er altijd met enorm veel plezier naar geluisterd. “Look
Good, Get Smart, Smell Nice, Work Hard, Ambition”. Geweldige
teksten, funky sound, prachtig art work. “Have You Got It?” Dit
was en is nog steeds één van m’n lievelings new wave platen.
Als je ‘m nooit hebt gehoord, twijfel dan niet. Down, deel
en luister onmiddelijk zoals altijd. Wederom kunnen
enkele skips wat fout zitten, luister het best achter
elkaar door dus ..01 – Holiday in disneyland
02 – Horrorscope
03 – Health and happiness
04 – The mouse that roared
05 – Dad on fire
06 – Ambition
07 – Lust
08 – 12 hours of blues
09 – Sons of sahara
10 – Africa expressPosted by Moosat 7:09 AM - Tuesday July 28, 2020
Identical twin brothers Jay (John) and Michael Aston are better
known as ‘Gene Loves Jezebel’. They had a couple of successes
during the 1980’s. I think their best album was their first one
called ‘Promise’ from 1983. My friends and me played it over
and over, crazy about their emotional way of singing .
The songs are melt together and placing the exact skips
may have worked poorly here and there. Better listen
to it as a whole .. Love the artwork on this one ..De één eiige tweelingbroers Jay (John) en Michael Aston zijn
beter bekend als ‘Gene Loves Jezebel’. Ze hadden diverse successen
tijdens de jaren tachtig. Ik vind hun eerste album, genaamd ‘Promise’
uit 1983, ook direct hun beste. Mijn vrienden en ik draaiden hem grijs,
gek op hun emotionele manier van zingen. De nummers zijn op kant
één aan elkaar gemonteerd en de skips kunnen her en der wat
rommelig zijn. Beter om in één take af te luisteren dus.
Prachtige plaat, prachtige hoes ..01 – Upstairs
02 – Bruises
03 – Pop tarantula
04 – Screaming for emmalene
05 – Scheming
06 – Bread from heaven
07 – Influenza
08 – Shower me with brittle punches
09 – Wraps and arms
10 – Psychological problemsPosted by Moosat 7:42 PM - Monday July 27, 2020
The 1980’s were an interesting decade musicwise. We listened to
reggae, african and ofcourse a lot of new wave. Great Brittain was
the cradle of a whole lot of interesting bands. I’m gonna post some
this week, starting with this artist. This is the second album from
1981 by splendid artist .. ;Francis John Tovey(8 September 1956 – 3 April 2002), known also
by his stage name Fad Gadget, was a British avant-garde electronic
musician and vocalist. He was a proponent of both new wave and
early industrial music, fusing together a unique blend of pop structured
songs mixed with mechanised experimentation.As Fad Gadget, his
music was characterised by the use of synthesizers in conjunction
with sounds of found objects, including drills and electric razors. His
bleak, sarcastic and darkly humorous lyrics were filled with biting
social commentary toward subjects such as machinery, industrialisation,
consumerism, human sexuality, mass media, religion, domestic violence
and dehumanization while often being sung in a deadpan voice.(wiki)
Cover photography by Anton Corbijn.Wikipedia
Fad Gadget – Collapsing New People01 – Blind eyes
02 – Swallow it
03 – Saturday night special
04 – Incontinent
05 – Manual dexterity
06 – Innocent bystander
07 – King of the flies
08 – Diminished responsibility
09 – Plain clothesBonus tracks ;
10 – Collapsing new people, 12″ Berlin mix (with Einstürzende Neubauten)
11 – Love parasite (album mix)Posted by Moosat 5:40 PMCategories
Avant Garde, New Wave, Pop, UK - Wednesday October 16, 2019
it was originally released on Stiff Records in 1980, this copy
on cd is from 1990 and appeared on A&M Records 395-319-2.tracks ;
01 – The boy with the perpetual nervousness
02 – Fa cé-la
03 – Loveless love
04 – Forces at work
05 – Original love
06 – Everybody’s got something to hide (except me and my monkey)
07 – Moscow nights
08 – Raised eyebrows
09 – Crazy rhythms
10 – Paint it blackPosted by Moosat 3:29 PM - Friday October 4, 2019
When the weather is changing and fall drops in on us, I always tend
to start playing more popmusic. Atmospheric stuff with lots of variety.
Something quite else is this cd on the prestigious Luaka Bop label of
David Byrne. His selections are outstanding and surprising. This album
is from 1991, already 28 years of age but feels like yesterday. Mr. Byrne
treats us with music from the UK, Brazil, the US and Cuba. A nice bunch
of songs in different styles and moods, listen ..P.S. I discovered one strange mistake, track #9 is not Agepê as written
on the cd’s cover. It is Martinho da Vila with Claustrofobia.Als het weer omslaat en de herfst zijn onstuimige intrede maakt, neig ik
steeds vaker naar popmuziek. Atmosferische mengeling van stijlen en
stemmingen. Iets tamelijk anders dan wat je hier gewend bent is dit. Op
het prestgieuze Luaka Bop label van David Byrne komt deze bonte ver-
zameling tracks die stammen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Brazilië, de USA
en Cuba. Het gaat van links naar rechts en andersom, luister ..P.S. Ik ontdekte een vreemde fout, track #9 is niet Agepê zoals de
cd omslag vermeldt. Het is Martinho da Vila met Claustrofobia.tracks ;
01 – A.R. Kane – A love from outer space
02 – Jorge Ben – Ponte de lança africano (umbabarauma)
03 – David Byrne – Dirty old town
04 – Tom Zé – Augusta, Angélica e consolação
05 – Conjunto Rumbavana – No me llores
06 – Luiz Conzaga – O fole roncou
07 – Silvio Rodriguez – Nuestro tema
08 – Jack Dangers – Ava
09 – Martinho da Vila – Claustrofobia
10 – A.R. Kane – Miles apart
11 – Caetano Veloso – Um canto de afoxé para o bloco do ilê
12 – Trio Nordestino – Rejeição
13 – Celeste Mendoza – Mi rumba echando candela
14 – David Byrne – Make believe mambo (club mix)Posted by Moosat 12:45 PMCategories
- Tuesday October 1, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Careless love
02 – Don’t you cry for me
—– Bye and bye ( gonna see the king)
03 – Silk stockings
—– The poacher
04 – Roll on babe
05 – Tell everyone
06 – Amelia earhart’s last flight
07 – Anymore for anymore
—– Only a bird in a guilded cage
—– Chicken wiredPosted by Moosat 7:44 AM
Island 1982