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Categorie archives: Igbo-Highlife
- Friday October 29, 2021
Life at oldage is quite enjoyable.
His numerous fans call him gentleman. But his name is
Mike Ejeagha. He is a folklore musician known for his
story telling prowess, using music. Infact, it is a slang
among the Igbos to say Akuko n’egwu Mike Ejeagha
to a story teller. His musical career started 56 years
ago as he watched two guitar players around his
compound at the coal camp Enugu in addition to
paying attention to anything musical.
As he learnt the guitar,
he was also playing read moreMike Ejeagha, Nigerian story teller, made a big pile of records.
Until now we had some from the eighties, but today we go back
as far as 1975. he had his first successes in the sixties, hopefully
we’ll find those some fine day. Gentleman Mike Ejeagha was the
mentor of Celestine Ukwu, wonderful Igbo Highlife ..Jaa’m Mma Na Ndu 1983
Ugo Mma 1982
Akuku Negwu vol. 3 1985
Onye Mkpesa 1987
Akuku N’egwu Original vol. 2 1984
Akuku N’egwu Original vol/ 1 1983
Celestine Ukwu posts01 – Onye ndidi n’eli azu ukpo-o
02 – Suzzana merringue
03 – Ikpechakwa-a kam-kpe-e
04 – Welu nwayo sobe ihe uwa-a
05 – Agbata obi onye bu nwanne ya
06 – Nwa bu onyinye chukwuPosted by Moosat 7:52 AMCategories
- Sunday May 29, 2016
Op Afrodisia hebben we vandaag deze elpee van een artiest die
hier voor de eerste keer verschijnt en waarvan ik je helemaal niets
zinnigs kan vertellen. Dit is Igbo highlife van klasse, heerlijke
ritmes, mooie blaaspartijen maar een totaal onbekende leider.
Op http://likembe.blogspot.nl/search/label/Igbo vinden we
veel informatie over de ‘Igbo’ muzikanten maar behalve
zijn achternaam is ook hier niets over hem te vinden.
Wie ons iets kan vertellen, zeer welkom..On Afrodisia today we find this here album by an artist appearing
here first time. An artist of whom I can’t seem to tell you anything
interesting. This is Igbo highlife of quality, great rhythms, nice
horn arrangements and a totally unknown leader. We do find his
last name on http://likembe.blogspot.nl/search/label/Igbo , but
that’s all. If you can tell us something useful, be my guest..titels ;
01 – Omenani
02 – Alabalam ala nnamPosted by Moosat 8:48 AMCategories
- Thursday February 16, 2012
I am quite sure that when some recordcompany,
big or small, would think of releasing a track from this original,
it is very likely they would cut off the biggest part of the song.
These tracks span a whole lp-side, 16 minutes like on this a-side
is short, often the tracks take 20 to 30 minutes. The chance this
music will reach you through ‘legitimate’ channels is very small.
This hard to find music is now meant to survive
the ages coming because it is spread in it’s original form.
To recordcompany’s I’d like to say, please release this wonderful
music through an official cd, I challenge you.tracks;
1 Egwundioma
2 Eje-anabu-isiPosted by Moosat 5:21 PMCategories
- Wednesday July 8, 2009
Let’s have us a little more Highlife from Nigeria.
Igbo Highlife that is with the great Oliver de Coque.
I especially like the harmony’s on this album, blended
with Oliver’s Congo style guitar, another Nigerian killer.
Sorry for the many crackles and snaps.tracks;
1 Engirigbo
2 Ife gadi nma na Nigeria
3 Klub nationale
– Uwa bu ofu mbiaPosted by Moosat 9:42 PMCategories
- Monday June 1, 2009
With the Nigerian civil war, late sixties, Highlife practically
came to an end in Nigeria’s western region. Tribal discrimination
forced all Igbo musicians to move from Lagos as guitarband highlife
was more and more identified with the east as Igbo-Highlife.
One of the diehards, keeping guitar highlife alive, was Stephen Osita
osadebe who recorded more than 30 albums. Here’s one of them.
( Info from the Rough Guide on Worldmusic )
By the way, this dish starts a little crispy
but mellows out along the way.tracks;
1 People’s club special A
2 People’s club special BPosted by Moosat 1:29 PMCategories
- Friday December 5, 2008
“If Sunny Ade carries the flag for Juju and Fela’s Afrobeat
will, in time become a global source sound, then the late
Prince Nico will forever be Igbo Highlife.” ( Rough Guide )
Always sharp looking Prince Nico Mbarga rocks once more !tracks;
1 Family movement
2 Home is home
3 Le pere de notre pays
4 Lost lovePosted by Moosat 11:17 PMCategories
Onye Ndidi, Philips 1975