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Categorie archives: Mbaqanga

  • Sunday April 16, 2023

    click on it

    The Soul Brothers scored quite some golden records
    in their first few years in South Africa. The people
    loved them. Then, in january 1979 a tragic car accident
    took the lives of two members. ( album liner notes, Wiki
    speaks of three deaths ) Nobody thought the group would
    survive, but with the two substitutes this was their first
    album which proved everybody wrong. As long as they
    stick to their Mbaqanga and don’t play Western music,
    this is a solid Zulu Jive band ..

    The Soul Brothers scoorden een rijtje gouden platen
    tijdens hun eerste jaren in Zuid Afrika. Hel volk was dol
    op ze. Toen gebeurde er in 1979 een tragisch auto ongeluk
    waarin twee van de leden omkwamen. ( volgens de hoes van
    deze plaat, Wiki spreekt van drie doden ) Iedereen dacht dat
    hun jaren geteld waren, maar met twee nieuwe leden was
    dit hun ‘come back’ lp die het tegendeel bewees. Zolang
    Soul Brothers Mbaqanga blijven spelen en geen uitstapjes
    maken naar Westerse muziek, naar mijn
    mening een solide Zulu Jive band ..


    Jive Explosion & Isecelo 1988

    01 – Kulukhuni ukuba yindoda
    02 – Asenzi ngalutho
    03 – Yini ejabulisa umuntu
    04 – Ngakutshela
    05 – Baba ka sibongile
    06 – Uyuzisola
    07 – Ungizondelinto yami
    08 – Mamaka vusi
    09 – Nina wezingane
    10 – Ngeke silibale


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:20 AM
  • Friday October 4, 2019

    click on pic to read

    I was asked for Best of the Dark City Sisters and thought, but
    that album was posted years ago. Once again an album that
    used to be here has disappeared. Nowadays we have our own
    dedicated server so once the record is here, it is here to stay.
    Best of the Dark City Sisters from South Africa with Joyce Mo-
    gatusi, Francisca Mgomezulu, Hilda Mogapi and Esther Khoza.
    See sleeve pic for more info ..
    Btw, if you also miss a certain album that used to be here,
    please let me know and I’ll bring it again.

    Ik kreeg een verzoek voor het plaatsen van Best of the Dark City
    Sisters en dacht, maar die heb ik jaren geleden toch al gepost.
    Alweer een plaat die op mysterieuze wijze is verdwenen. Tegen-
    woordig hebben we onze eigen server en als een plaat hier is, is
    hij hier voor altijd. Best of the Dark City Sisters uit Zuid Afrika
    met Joyce Mogatusi, Francisca Mgomezulu, Hilda Mogapi en
    Esther Khoza. Voor meer info, klik op bovenstaande pic ..
    Overigens, als jij ook een plaat mist die we hier eerder
    hadden, laat het weten en ik re-post hem direct.

    tracks ;

    01 – Tamatie yoyo no. 3
    02 – Langa more
    03 – Emarabini
    04 – Sekusile
    05 – Insizwa
    06 – Amangwane
    07 – Jimmy
    08 – Isinkwa no fishi
    09 – Sihamba kancane
    10 – Izinto ezinhle
    11 – Umtshi tshimbo
    12 – Umlando
    13 – Soze ndende
    14 – Lomfazi uyangihlupha
    15 – Izintombi zika Mogatusi
    16 – Amahlokohloko
    17 – Bayangi zonda
    18 – Rosie


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:23 AM
  • Monday July 22, 2019

    Very popular South African mbaqanga group the Soul
    Brothers with their first overseas release on Earth Works
    from 1988. The recordings are from between 1983 and
    1986. It appears the songs have been longer, unfortunately
    they are all cut off at 3 to 4 minutes. Still, a solid listen ..

    P.S. We had an album before which strangely
    disappeared. I have therefore added a second link.

    Zeer populaire Zuid Afrikaanse band the Soul Brothers
    met hun eerste Europese plaat op Earth Works en uit
    1988. The opnamen zijn van tussen 1983 en 1986. Het
    lijkt erop dat de songs origineel langer zijn geweest,
    helaas allemaal afgekapt op 3 tot 4 minuten.
    Ondanks dat, nog steeds lekker hoor ..

    We hadden ooit al een plaat van ze welke op vreemde
    wijze is verdwenen. Je vind daarom een tweede link.

    tracks ;

    01 – Akabongi
    02 – Buya mama wami
    03 – Phuma layikhaya
    04 – Ngihamba nawe
    05 – Inhlalayenza
    06 – Isilingo
    07 – Uthando
    08 – Shesh’ungazise
    09 – Isicelo
    10 – Isikhwele
    11 – Sivikele baba
    12 – Isithembiso



    Posted by Moos
    at 10:05 AM
  • Sunday May 26, 2019

    Always hot and jivin’ on your summer night party is the music
    of Soweto. This album features Mbaqanga, Shangaan and
    Tsonga Jive and keeps you going without a break. Dance
    your socks off the Zulu way, get it, spread it & listen ..

    Altijd raak, deze hete Soweto klanken die je zomer avond feestje
    zeker tot een succes zullen maken. Deze schijf biedt Mbaqanga,
    Shangaan en Tsonga Jive, onuitputtelijke swing zoals alleen de
    Zulu’s dat kunnen, pak, deel en luister weer ..

    Sleeve says / Hoes zegt; 1988
    label says/zegt; 1987
    I believe / Ik geloof; in 1987

    tracks ;

    01 – Thomas Chauke and the Shinyori Sisters – Nwana wamina
    02 – Mlokothwa – Thathezakho
    03 – Amaswazi Emvelo – Jubula mfana
    04 – Kati Elimhyama – Bummandi utshwala bakho
    05 – M.D. Shirinda and Family – Nsati wa wina
    06 – Armando Bila Chijumane – Kamakhala wana
    07 – Kati Elimhyama – Siyokushaya kusasa
    08 – Usuthu – Waqala ngokwendlala
    09 – M.D. Shirinda and Family – Ndzi hkensa
    10 – Armando Bila Chijumane – Mashamba
    11 – Thomas Chauke and the Shinyori Sisters – Xumaxilqvile
    12 – Milokothwa – Yithinamhlanje


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:53 AM
  • Friday March 18, 2016

    Zulu Jive, voorkant

    Hallo, als er iets opvalt in Zuid Afrikaanse muziek is het wel
    de eeuwige opgewektheid. Ook al passeren er thema’s die
    minder vrolijk stemmen, de muziek klinkt altijd alsof er een
    feestje gaande is. Uit 1984 stamt deze schijf met onvervalste
    ‘Umbaqanga’ ofwel zulu jive zoals de titel al doet vermoeden.
    Laat er maar een dansje op los hoor..

    Hello, eventhough themes are sometimes a bit less on the
    happy side, South African music always sounds as if there’s a
    party going on. From 1984 w’ve got this slice of ‘umbaqanga’
    or zulu jive as the title already suggests. Music made to dance
    to, so let go, the makers sure meant you to..

    titels ;

    01 – Aaron Mbambo – Selishonile ilanga
    02 – Joshua Sithole – Sedelini thina
    03 – The Rainbows – Futhi
    04 – Shoba – A smbe diye e goli
    05 – Joshua Sithole – Uqalile ukuba nomona
    06 – Shoba – Obaba nxase be thandana
    07 – Joshua Sithole – Sisi nomdi
    08 – Aaron Mbambo – Sambambha ushemeni
    09 – The Rainbows – Mashonisa
    10 – Joshua Sithole – Lento oyenza kimi


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:46 AM
  • Sunday December 7, 2014

    Moses Mchunu, front

    “During the mid-70s and early 80s, Mchunu was one of the
    leading vocalists in the raucous Zulu ‘jive’ style, which
    gave way to mbaqanga. Mchunu’s band typified its appeal,
    featuring driving rhythms and instruments such as guitar,
    violin and concertinas, together with powerful blues-based
    vocals. He has released a number of albums that have sold
    strongly throughout South Africa, but none have managed to
    sustain an international reputation.”
    Taken from All Music at the world wide web.
    Until now I haven’t been posting a lot of mbaqanga simply
    because I don’t own and know that much. I knew Moses
    Mchunu from that great collector that was released in
    1985, the Indestructible Beat of Soweto, so when I
    stumbled upon this lp, I knew what to do.
    The jive is so stirring, it’s impossible
    to ignore, dance music of the
    first kind, enjoy..


    1 Kabulala umuzi ka baba
    2 Kulezo ntaba
    3 Zophela i’mpondo zenyanga
    4 Yashisa igugu intombi yami
    5 Umona usuka esweni
    6 Musukukhala
    7 Sibanqoba ngamunye
    8 Uyayibona lentombi
    9 Gijima mfana
    10 Usitshela amaganyana
    11 Siyavuma
    12 Yekelani inzondo


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:06 AM
  • Saturday June 19, 2010

    If you are into Zulu Jive, the South African music of the people,
    you better don’t miss this one. This is one of their best albums.
    The Mahotella Queens are here with their backing group, Makhona
    Zonke Band. They are also accompanied by their ‘male groaners’
    Robert Mbazo Mkhize, Potatoes Mazambane or Joseph Mthimkhulu.
    The Queens are Emily Zwane from Brakpan,
    Thandi Radebe from Dube ( Soweto ),
    Beatrice Ngcobo from Durban,
    Thandi Nkosi from Emdeni ( Soweto )
    and Caroline Kapentar from Bloemfontein.
    They are considered the best Mgqashiyo entertainers in Southern Africa.
    Maybe someone can explain to us why on the cover they speak of five
    queens while pictures show only four of them ? Strange.
    An early post this saturday, so much football I don’t want to miss,
    we, The Netherlands, shall play Japan this afternoon and later we get
    Ghana – Australia and Cameroon – Denmark. Great day of sports
    in South Africa, let this music make you dance through it.
    By the way, just the cover we need today, lots of orange, catch my drift ?


    1 Zibuyile nonyaka
    2 Yadilaka intaba
    3 Asambe mntakamama
    4 Uthuli lwezichwe
    5 Bekumnandi
    6 Demazana
    7 Ziyatshitshimba izintombi
    8 Vuka uzibuke
    9 Siqhamuka kwazulu
    10 Xola mama
    11 Ifa lenkosana
    12 Asambeni bafana


    Posted by Moos
    at 7:29 AM