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Categorie archives: Benga
- Monday January 25, 2016
Toch nog maar een Arikaanse post dan ? Dit zijn zeven
45 toeren plaatjes zoals reeds eerder verschenen op
deze pagina. Oost Afrika is nu weer even aan de beurt.
Benga is zulk aanstekelijk spul, ik kon er niet omheen.
Dus schop dat meubilair nog eens opzij en laat je gaan.East Africa gets its turn today, benga is such contageous
music, there was no way around it. Seven 45’s in a row
as we did before at this page works perfect and make a
solid listen. So kick aside your funiture once again and
let yourself go..enjoy..titels ;
01 – Suku Jazz Band – The kericho tragedy
02 – Suku Jazz Band – Willison mukuna
03 – Kapila Jazz Band – Aguko d.o.
04 – Kapila Jazz Band – Joshwa ochiel
05 – Orchestre Ndege Wa Anga – Mama rutty pt.1
06 – Orchestre Ndege Wa Anga – Mama rutty pt.2
07 – Metric Jazz National – Bodo nicky
08 – Metric Jazz national – Leo akendo
09 – Les Moto Moto – Azetu pt.1
10 – Les Moto Moto – Azetu pt.2
11 – Mwenga Jazz Band – Lucy
12 – Mwenge Jazz band – Inafaa umuoe
13 – Kaudha Twins Band – Ogode mc nyaruoth
14 – Kaudha Twins Band – Achien’g florencePosted by Moosat 1:08 PM - Monday July 20, 2015
Yesterday I took a walk through Amsterdam, checking a few second
hand record stores and guess what happened. I stumbled upon this
wonderful lp. we had numbers 1,2,3 and 5 but 4 was still missing.
I’m so very happy with this find, Daniel Owino Misiani and his Luo
Voice Jazz Band belong to my very favourite benga groups. Very
nice to complete the series with this record, get it now and you
will not be sorry. Strong instrumental parts and vocal
harmonies make this album a solid listen..One more thing; it would be very nice if someone
knows why every song is called after a person’s name.
I keep wondering why they do that in benga music..tracks;
01 – Joshuah abuya
02 – G. ogalo
03 – James songora
04 – Chistopher odira
05 – Silus oyoo
06 – Obiero olumbe
07 – Siongo john
08 – Salmon okwaro
09 – Timothy ochanda
10 – Glary opiyoPosted by Moosat 8:44 AMCategories
- Thursday April 16, 2015
On Soul Posters we’ve got this collector of hot benga
and Swahili pop. It contains songs by nine bands we
have not heard before here at the GG. It is in perfect
condition and sounds as new. Another wonderful
find from the fair. We are so very lucky these
gems still pop up every once in
a while, enjoy it..tracks;
01 – Makueni Brothers Band – Paulina
02 – N.P.D. Jazz Band – Osuta awes
03 – The Kenya Prisons Band – Janifer
04 – Nyeri Boys – Bururi muraya
05 – Nyeri Youngstars – Uthiu wa wendo
06 – Makueni Brothers Band – Mwitu mutethia
07 – Orchestre K.O. Jazz – Heren atieno
08 – King Orchestre Mutumbu – Wacha waseme
09 – Rawa Jazz Band – Nikupe nini
10 – Kanjunge Boys – Kanini gachumuPosted by Moosat 9:59 AM - Friday January 16, 2015
Normally I wouldn’t fix a cover that’s been worn out or so but
some idiot had written his name all over the clouds and back
sleeve of this album so I made an exeption and fixed it a bit.
This is volume 5 in the Kenya Partout series, we had volumes
1,2,4 and 6 so far. Orchestre International de Nelly appeared
on several volumes already but this is just them. Very nice
and uplifting benga on Playa Sound from 1976.tracks;
1 Lamu ketho wat
2 Elisha obonyo
3 Adhiambo wakili
4 Bethwel juma
5 Dan obonyi
6 Rich anyango gy lucy
7 Dan ogijo
8 Bayo kayem
9 Penina ya nelly
10 George mijukaPosted by Moosat 9:50 AMCategories
- Friday December 5, 2014
In the series ‘Kenyafrica !’, we had volumes two and five
so far. They were recorded in 1976 and it’s been over 3
years I posted the last one, in september 2011. Finally
I can bring you the number one in the series. It is an lp
by Daniel Kamau, he was born in the ‘Central Province’
of Kenia, the 2nd of february 1949. His parents worked
hard on their little farm to be able to raise the family.
Daniel loved to play the guitar from 9 years old but
wasn’t allowed to touch the guitars of his older brothers
because he was too young..Later he proved them all
wrong being the first to record an album of his own
still being a student. He had several hits during the
seventies, went to England and when he came back
recorded this here album. It is a sheer beauty and
I’m very glad to bring it, enjoy the benga
and pass it on to your friends..tracks;
1 Kiririkano kia zk
2 Pascalena pt. 2
3 Delina
4 Jane macyline
5 Macho ine pt. 2
6 Chiru
7 Kairitu gatari thoni pt. 2
8 Helena
9 Kanini
10 Wendo uri murio
11 Kairitu kairu
12 Ningwite nawe pt. 2Posted by Moosat 10:01 AM - Wednesday June 4, 2014
Some visitors asked for more benga. It just so happens I had
one waiting for y’all. Funny thing about benga, I mentioned before,
it seems all titles are person’s names. It’s the only type of music
in which we see this I rekon, That is as far as I know.
the D.O. stands for Daniel Owino Misiani, “the Grandfather of Benga”.
He was the founder of the most famous benga group called Shirati
Jazz. Born in Shirati, just south of the Kenyan border, he has been
playing benga since the mid-1960’s. His style is characterised by
soft, flowing and melodic two-part vocal harmonies, a very active,
pulsating bass line that derives at least in part from traditional nyatiti
and drum rhythms, and stacks of invigorating guitar work, the lead
alternating with the vocal. ( the Rough Guide )
Daniel Owino Misiani died in a road traffic accident in 2006, aged 66.
He was still an active performer at the time of his death and left two
wives and 14 children.http://biochem.chem.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~endo/EAMisiani.html
1 Atila min jopesa
2 Nick saronge
3 George atieno
4 Rose atieno
5 Rapar dr. c. omondi
6 Carolina akinyi
7 Otami dr. pt.1
8 Otami dr. pt.2
9 Patrick ogwayo
10 Bamla akinyiP.S.
I’m affraid I placed one small miscut, the tracks are so close to each
other it was difficult to skip tracks correctly. from track 3 to 4 it is
slightly wrong but if you play it as a whole you wont notice.Posted by Moosat 4:33 PM - Saturday February 16, 2013
For today’s post we’ve got us an old Kenyan lp. It’s from
1972 and soundquality is not the best, the music however is.
Shirati Luo Voice Jazz was their name in those days and
their leader was none less than D.O. Misiani who we know
from his later work with “Shirati Jazz”. The cover you see I
found online, my copy came in a wrong cover unfortunately.
Nevertheless, even with cracks, pops and hiss,
I guess it’s worth a couple of spins..
Get it and spread it..tracks;
1 J.o. ramebeya
2 Polina no.2
3 Hezron macoto
4 Margret odero olumbe
5 Okwiri janyakach
6 Jobwa no.2
7 Margret wambwa
8 Walton bunde
9 D. kathorin ager
10 Shirati dhinyime
11 P.n. mcotieno
12 Sipi akeyoPosted by Moosat 10:00 AMCategories
- Sunday May 20, 2012
As promised, a collection of seven 70’s singles from Kenya.
Track 3 has a few small pops at the end but for the
the remaining lot, no precautions.
Just take it and play it, have fun.tracks;
1 Orchestre Gem Lucky Friends – Rispher adero no.2
2 Orchestre Gem Lucky Friends – Joseph oloo
– ( Richard Odongo 1974 )
3 Orchestre Kaudha Twins – Owiti kaboka
4 Orchestre Kaudha Twins – Osiep loyo wat
– ( John Oketch & Willison Oketch 1974 )
5 Orchestre O.M. Jazz – Super m. ogada
6 Orchestre O.M. Jazz – Remember me, I remember you
– ( Dr Nelson Ochieng Mengo 1974 )
7 Metric Jazz National – Afline december gift
8 Metric Jazz National – Afline the pretty no.2
– ( George Kembo & Leonard Omedo 1974 )
9 Wego Jazz Band 75 – Omonde
10 Wego Jazz Band 75 – Matini
– ( Sukuma Bin Ongaro 1975 )
11 Odhiambo Osumba Revolution – Otina
12 Odhiambo Osumba Revolution – Paro siso abala
– ( Odhiambo Osumba 1970 )
13 Metric Jazz National – Odero koduko
14 Metric Jazz national – Nyamwaya j.b.
– ( Leonard Omedo 1974 )Posted by Moosat 11:03 AM - Tuesday February 14, 2012
I really got the taste of it, when listening to all that
marvelous benga while re-uploading, I couldn’t resist
to do another. This is Kenya Partout vol.4, we had
volumes 1 and 6 earlier, great covers and hot music.
No need to try and find this one as a cd release.
Check that picture clicked upon, poor
girl has two flies in her face.tracks;
1 Owilla Lakeside Jazz – Wend mikeyini kabudha
2 Nyagowa Family Orchestra – Fibi odhiambo pt.1
3 Nyagowa Family Orchestra – Fibi odhiambo pt.2
4 Owilla Lakeside Jazz – Ogoma jagot ong’ielo
5 Lwanda Doho Jazz – Jotham owino
6 Owilla Lakeside Jazz – Gordon ogolo
7 Nyagowa Family Orchestra – Lawrence amollo & achieng’ dory
8 Owilla Lakeside Jazz – Walter alago
9 Nyagowa Family Orchestra – Octaph p.okello & adoyo elly
10 Lwanda Doho Jazz – Ruth achieng’Posted by Moosat 9:04 PMCategories
- Friday November 18, 2011
By the look at it’s sleeve one would say it’s the cover
of a children’s book. Don’t be misled however, the music
on this LP is for the whole family. Wonderful mid-seventies
stuff I wish we had in our hitparade in those days. Succes
guaranteed on your dance-floor. Listen to Kenya Hit-Parade !
…damn,..I jus’ love dis.., volumes up !tracks;
1 Orchestre Sega Sega – Dala ber moloyo No.11
2 Kawere Boys – William ogembo No.3
3 Gem Dudi Band – Barack ayieye
4 Victoria Jazz Band “B” – Patrick ochieng
5 Orchestre Mandalala – Tika kotongo-1
6 Mori River Jazz Band – Ben maseke
7 Owila Lakeside Band – Margaret atieno
8 Shirati Luo Voice Jazz Band – Okoro kalila
9 Orchestre C.-K. Jazz – Pamela awino-pt.1
10 Orchestre Saka-Yonsa – Nabangi makambo-1Posted by Moosat 9:55 PM
Various Artists