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Categorie archives: Bolero
- Saturday November 28, 2020
Als altijd is het een genoegen de muziek van Colombia’s
vallenato kampioenen te brengen. Julio de la Ossa is éen
van die pioniers die in mijn ogen deze stijl groot maken.
Wederom een van zijn platen uit 1975, het jaar waarin
hij winnaar werd van het prestieuze Festival de la Leyenda
Vallenata. Luister met plezier ..As always it is a pleasure bringing the music of Colombia’s
vallenato champions. Julio de la Ossa is one of the pioneers
that made this style of music great to my opinion. Once
again an album from 1975, the year in which Julio became
champion of the prestigious Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata.
Listen with pleasure ..Segundo Festival Vallenata 1969
El Preso Distinguido 1969
Rey Vallenato 1975 1975
Julito de la Ossa 8º Rey Vallenato 1975
La Selección Vallenata
with Combo Los Galleros
Cumbias Calientes
Cumbias Cumbias Cumbias
Fiesta Vallenata 1986
Discogs01 – La colegiala
02 – Las cartas
03 – Novia ingrata
04 – Noche sabanera
05 – Bella cascada
06 – Por ti luchare
07 – Mi visita
08 – Padres corrompidos
09 – Flor del sinu
10 – Perdiste todo
11 – Mi ausencia
12 – Tu recompensaPosted by Moosat 9:12 AMCategories
- Thursday November 19, 2020
This is DCM-407 on the Discomoda label from Medellin, Colombia.
It first appeared in 1967. Tanta Ropa, (so many cloths) seems to be
a joke. The girl on the frontcover was naked at first. In a later sta-
dium they have drawn a little bikini over the picture. Still not en-
tirely comfortable, as if ‘Me Too’ already existed, Discomoda then
re-released the album under the title of the first song, ‘Ambiente
de Guaracha’, with another sleeve. (small pic) Luis Gonzalez, or Lucho,
was the frontman of the group. The record has some background noise,
the salsa however is still quite enjoyable. Get it, spread it and listen ..Dit is DCM-407 op het Discomoda label uit Medellin, Colombia. De
plaat verscheen oorspronkelijk in 1967. Tanta Ropa (zoveel kleding)
lijkt een spottende titlel te zijn. het meisje op de hoes was oorspronkelijk
naakt maar in een later stadium is er een klein bikini’tje overheen getekend.
Nog niet helemaal comfortabel, alsof ‘Me Too’ reeds bestond, bracht Disco-
moda de plaat opnieuw uit. Nu met de titel van het eerste nummer, ‘Am-
biente de Guaracha’, en met een andere hoes. (zie kleine foto) Luis Gonzales
ofwel ‘Lucho’ was de leider van de band. Het album heeft wat achtergrond
geluid maar de salsa is nog steeds lekker. Down, deel en luister weer ..01 – Ambiente de guaracha
02 – Tanta ropa
03 – Hoy vuelvo a ser mia
04 – Barco camaronero
05 – Me voy al amanecer
06 – Mis tres novios
07 – Cocktail no.13, salud, dinero y amor
08 – Ya no
09 – La ceiba para
10 – El tumbaleque
11 – Gitana colombiana
12 – Sin trabajoPosted by Moosat 10:14 AMCategories
- Thursday October 29, 2020
On Harlequin we find this lovely cd with the music of Filiberto
Rico and his group Rico’s Creole Band. He was a Cuban clarinet
player and one of the first to bring Cuban music to Europe.
Read more in this Bio.Blessed in Havana, Cuba, in 1910, Filiberto Rico was one of
the primary wave of music artists to popularize Latin American
music throughout north European countries. An alto saxophonist
who doubled on flute, youthful Rico gigged and documented with
several rings in Paris and Copenhagen through the past due ’20s,
especially Moises Simon’s Orquesta Tipica Cubana. Rico’s Creole
Music group was produced in 1930 and interested the Parisian
open public using the conga, the beguine, as well as the bolero
until a proliferation of Nazis (equipped with a racist Weltan-
schauung that criminalized the cultural variety embodied in
the word “Creole”) managed to get essential for this Afro-Cuban
musician to absent himself from the spot through the years
1941-1946. Rico’s postwar reputation in Paris and along the
France Riviera is renowned, and continues to be related to the
mixing of Western european and Latin American designs. His early
recordings had been reissued in two amounts on compact disk with
the Harlequin label in 1993-1994, and his postwar profession is
documented on the retrospective two-fer released in 2003 by
Fremeaux & Associes. ( MusicianBio)01 – Viva la conga
02 – A una rosa
03 – Biguine d’amour
04 – Canto caribe
05 – Lagrimas negras
06 – Ce que j’aime
07 – Rumba seductora
08 – Quiero
09 – La complainte de l’esclave
10 – Chaparrita
11 – Alma de mujer
12 – Como una rosa
13 – Mammy bong
14 – Blanca rosa
15 – La conga
16 – Chiquita de cuba
17 – la sitiera
18 – Rumba galopante
19 – Paris soir
20 – 1-2-3 yepPosted by Moosat 8:41 AMCategories
- Sunday October 25, 2020
Al is Arsenio Rodriguez, de blinde meester van de ‘Son
Montuno’ al niet meer onder ons sinds 1970, (bijna 50
jaar geleden) zijn muziek blijft fascineren. Op het album
van vandaag staan enkele songs die we al eerder zagen
langs komen, echter tevens wat andere. Hieronder zie
je hoe de grote Arsenio werd verdreven van de eerste
plaats in onze download Top 20. Hij blijft echter
stevig staan op nummer twee en dat zal
vast en zeker nog lang het geval zijn ..Eventhough Arsenio Rodriguez, the blind tres player and
master of the son montuno, left us already in 1970, (almost
50 years ago) his music remains fascinating. On today’s
album we find some songs that have been here on earlier
occasions but also a couple unknown ones. Below this
article you can see how the great Arsenio was driven
from his number one position in our download Top 20,
I’m sure however he will remain in number
2 position for quite some time ..La Pachanga 1963
Arsenio 1957
Arsenio Rodriguez y su Magia 1973
El Ciego Maravilloso 1976
with Chano Pozo, legendary Sessions 1992
Sabroso y Caliente 1957
Arsenio Rodriguez y su Conjunto, Vol. 2
Arsenio Rodriguez y su Conjunto01 – No me llores mas
02 – No puedo comer vistagacha
03 – Dundunbanza
04 – Me siento muy solo
05 – Lo que dice usted
06 – Llevatelo todo
07 – Me bote de guaño
08 – Vuelvo a la vida
09 – Kila, quique y chocolate
10 – La vida es un SueñoPosted by Moosat 10:46 AMCategories
- Monday October 19, 2020
That ‘Los Corraleros de Majagual’ album of yesterday alone
was already downloaded hundreds of times. I guess it is time
to catch up with some of their older records. I’ve got a bunch
of them waiting, let’s see ..
This one is from 1967 and contains some of their greatest
songs ever. A few of them have appeared here on earlier
occasions but we also find songs that we didn’t have yet.
Tropical de Colombia like Paseaíto, Pompo, Pasaje,
Charanga, Son and Bolero, enjoy listening ..In 1977 the album was re-released. On this re-issue two
songs were replaced. ‘Hay que gozar’ and ‘Mejor que te vayas’
were replaced by ‘Sarita’ and ‘La minifalda’. I have added Sarita
as bonustrack. ( see other picture, also in the file)With Eliseo Herrera, Lisandro Mesa, Julio Erazo,
Calixto Ochoa, César Castro & Tony Zuñiga ..Síguela, Síguela (1967)
Síguela, Síguela (1977)01 – La yerbita
02 – Síguela, síguela
03 – Hace un mes
04 – Ritmo de juventud
05 – El mechón
06 – Estás picao
07 – La burrita de eliseo
08 – Yo no la suelto
09 – El conjunto loco
10 – Hay que gozar
11 – Mejor que te vayas
12 – El arroyitobonus track;
13 – Sarita
Posted by Moosat 6:34 AMCategories
- Monday January 6, 2020
Today we find vol. 7 of the Ramito, el Cantor de la Montaña series.
His jibaro is always christal clear and very strong sounding. Songs
about his love for Puerto Rico and live Borincano. I am a fan since
the very first notes I heard. There is no escaping
from el Gran Ramito ..Parrandeando 1981
el Cantor de la Montaña vol. 5
el Cantor de la Montaña vol. 6
el Cantor de la Montaña SALP 1296
el Cantor de la Montaña vol. 4
Amor y Patria 1980
78 Pueblos Borincanos 1979
el Cantor de la Montaña SALP 1277
Un Aguinaldo Para Ti
El Favorito de Puerto Rico
Ecos del Pasado, Las Raíces de Ramito
el Cantor de la Montaña ALP 1237
Wikipediatracks ;
01 – David y goliat
02 – Sin remedio
03 – Vendo unos ojos verdes
04 – El amor y el tiempo
05 – En cada pueblo un amor
06 – Camino del cielo
07 – Moises el profeto
08 – Lo tuyo
09 – Virgen maria
10 – El desafio
11 – No me llores
12 – Gallina con sabor a polloPosted by Moosat 10:43 PMCategories
- Friday September 27, 2019
Hi groovers, so we had us two albums with singer Ryco from Guadeloupe.
Today we have a record with M’Bilia Casino who used to take part in Ry-Co
Jazz, something totally different. Ry-Co or Ryco Jazz a was founded in Congo
in 1858/59 by Henri Bowane. They spent four years in Martinique where their
music was very popular. After returning in Africa in 1971 the group split up.
Members like saxophone player Jean Serge Essous and others each went their
own way. M’Bilia Casino made this album in 1976. It contains styles like rumba
biguine, bolero and merengue. Enjoy listening ..Hee groevers, we hadden dus twee platen met zanger Ryco uit Guadeloupe
gisteren en eergisteren. Vandaag een plaat met M’Bilia Casino die deel uit-
maakte van Ry-Co Jazz, iets heel anders. Ry-Co of Ryco Jazz werd opgericht
door Henri Bowane in 1958/59. Ze verbleven vier jaar in Martinique en na
terugkeer in Africa in 1971 ging de groep uit elkaar. Leden als saxofonist
Jean Serge Essous en anderen gingen ieder hun eigen weg. M’Bilia Casino
maakte dit album in 1976. Hij bevat nummers in stijlen als rumba, biguine,
bolero en merengue. Veel luister plezier weer ..M’Bilia Casino discography
Ryco Jazz discography
Ryco Jazz Wikipediatracks ;
01 – Demaustration
02 – Olele
03 – Boyoka lolaka
04 – Djonga nori
05 – Makanisi mosika
06 – Mbwa na e kange
07 – Mondule afriqua
08 – Afro-succes
09 – Salingo alinga mosala
10 – Souvenir antigwa
11 – Mabina ya sika
12 – Mo sese mondolePosted by Moosat 11:28 AMCategories
- Thursday September 12, 2019
Glorias de Cuba from 1976
Classicos del Son from 1987
Carlos Embales con Septeto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro from 1990
Discogs Discographytracks ;
01 – Entre preciosos palmeras
02 – Son que quita las penas
03 – Mustios amores
04 – Me han quemao
05 – De pelota no
06 – Me arrepiento
07 – Lindo yambu
08 – Como voy a sufrir
09 – Que bonito es
10 – A cogerlo
11 – Descanso
12 – No me perturbes
13 – Bardo
14 – No sufran corazones
15 – Viva el bongo
16 – Marisa o rascame aqui
17 – Ay mama inezPosted by Moosat 7:53 AMCategories
- Monday May 20, 2019
Boy Dap was called King for playing and singing his Tumba and Sehu
in his own style. His records sold in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Colombia,
Suriname and the Netherlands. The first song is a live registration,
people go crazy for his Basilon. track #6 is also live.
Salsa Antiyana sung in papiamento ..Hij was een van de meest populaire zangers van de Nederlandse Antillen
in zijn dagen. Met releases in Venezuele, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Suriname
en hier in Nederland. Boy Dap werd de ‘King’ genoemd vanwege zijn eigen-
zinnige manier van optreden. Salsa Antiyana in papiamento ..tracks 1,2,5,6,7,8 with Estrellas del Caribe
track 3,9,10 with Mario Motta y su New Latin Combo
track 4 with Six Dimensiontracks ;
01 – Basilon (live)
02 – Paga mi pica
03 – Cariño y amor
04 – Mi ta stima bo
05 – Nan di
06 – Dale cos (live)
07 – Cruz cu ne
08 – Con cu bo ke
09 – Incomparable
10 – Dushi di mi soPosted by Moosat 9:48 AMCategories
- Sunday April 7, 2019
From Panama we’ve got this oldie with the orchestra of Armando
Boza. Fourteen tracks in guaracha and bolero style. The backsleeve
and label do not agree on the tracklist. I show the sleeve in the post
but stick to the label in naming the tracks. Somehow this seems more
reliable. Shame we didn’t find a year of release on this one. Listening
is the most important anyhow. Get it and spread it ..Vandaag hebben we deze gouwe ouwe uit Panama met het orkest van
Armando Boza. Veertien nummers in Guaracha en bolero stijl. De hoes
en het label zijn het niet geheel eens over de titels. Ik plaats daarom de
foto van de hoes en houd me aan het label met de titels, dit lijkt me het
meest betrouwbaar. Helaas vinden we nergens het jaar van uitgave van
deze plaat, maar goed, beluisteren is toch het belangrijkst.tracks ;
01 – Swing zebra
02 – Me voy a panama
03 – Sospecha
04 – Mi bello riomar (canta German Vergara)
05 – El comejen
06 – Muchachita
07 – El mujeriego
08 – Un dia de amor
09 – Mi niña preferida
10 – Los reyes
11 – Soñar (canta German Vergara)
12 – Chambelona potpourri
a-Tambor de la alegria
b-Alfredo si tu te vas
13 – Rivoli
14 – Los tres barberosPosted by Moosat 10:28 AMCategories
Rey Vallenato 1975
Discos Extra 1975