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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Saturday June 7, 20084 comments on Sergio Mendes e Pelé – O.S.T. Pelé, Elenco 1978/2002
Today I have a funpost ! In an hour or so, the European ‘Futbol’
(soccer) Championship in Austria and Switzerland is about to start.
For the occasion I thought it would be fun to post some music by
the two greatest soccerplayers of the previous century. ‘Pelé’ and
‘Cruyff’. I’d say Cruyff was a good second if we speak about soccer,
but if we speak about music, I am affraid he is far from that position.
Brazilians have a nature, they’re born with music in their vains. Pelé
comes in with a great Bossa composition, backed by ‘Sergio Mendes’,
what could go wrong ? World, please have mercy on Johan Cruyff
and us Dutch people, we don’t have that sunny way. What we do
have however, is a good sense of humour, Johan Cruyff surprises
us with this 1969 Dutch Carnaval number, once again there
is no comparison.tracks;
1 O coraçao do rei
2 Meu mundo é uma bola
3 Memorias
4 Nascimento
5 Voltando a Baurú
6 Cidade grande
7 Cidade grande
8 Alma Latina, ” My world is a ball”
9 A tristeza do Adeus
10 A tristeza do Adeus
11 Na Bahia
12 Amor e agressao
13 Meu mundo é uma bolatracks;
1 Johan Cruyff – Oei oei oei
2 Johan Cruyff – Alle stoppen ineens naar de knoppenPosted by Moosat 2:40 PMCategories
- Thursday June 5, 2008
It has been a hectic day yesterday, no time left for funthings, like
working on this page. Today however I found the time, when I was
in Amsterdam for work, to check up on an old buddy’s ‘second hand
record’ store. Jan somehow always manages to lay his hand on some
obscure material, like this ‘Chico da Silva’. First LP I find on him,
and a good one. With pleasure I present to you, ” Chico da Silva “.
Vamos embora..tracks;
1 O barba azul
2 Será que tem ?
3 Pandeiro é meu nome
4 Lamento de bamba
5 É chato
6 A meia noite
7 Belo amanhecer
8 A volta ao mundo em 30 segundos
9 Veja lá você
10 Só o samba me domina
11 O tempo passou
12 No terreiro de OssanhaPosted by Moosat 8:54 PM - Tuesday June 3, 2008
This Samba album by Maria Creuza is a Fantastic spin.
I found it some years ago in an Amsterdam secondhand recordstore.
My copy is a French one as you can see, the bottomcover is the
original one. No matter what cover you like most, this LP sounds
so fresh and clear, and it contains some great songs. Aqui temos
um album muito bom por Maria Creuza, um album que eu sempre
gostei pa caramba, vai escutar com bastante volume.tracks;
01 – Chega Pra Lá (Élton Medeiros / Joacyr Santana)
02 – Rala Rala (Wilson Moreira / Nei Lopes)
03 – Amor de Mãe (Nelson Cavaquinho / Guilherme de Brito)
04 – Exaltação à Tiradentes (Tiradentes) (Mano Décio da Viola / Penteado /Estanislau Silva)
05 – Pouco Importa (Cartola)
06 – Soldado do Amor (Cartola / Nuno Veloso)
07 – Cordas e Correntes (Martinho da Vila)
08 – Quem Lucrou Fui Eu (Monarco)
09 – O Namorado de Maria (Partido Alto) (Xangô da Mangueira / Aniceto do Império)
10 – Alhos e Bugalhos (Zé do Maranhão)
11 – Madrugada (Zé Keti)
12 – A Timidez Me Devora (Jorginho / Walter Rosa)Posted by Moosat 8:24 AMCategories
- Tuesday June 3, 2008
A nice piece of samba from 1973.
Pedrinho Rodrigues brings some well known songs on ‘Sambe ou se Mande’.
Espero que vao gostar deste LP !tracks;
01 Mexe mexe
02 Tem capoeira
03 Lendas do Abaeté
04 Amor amor
05 Zodíaco no samba
06 Se ela quer
07 A dança do Cafuné
08 Se Deus quiser
09 O saber poético da literatura de Cordel
10 Foi assimPosted by Moosat 7:54 AMCategories
- Sunday June 1, 2008
Do you emember this one Zeca ?
When I visited the Great Zecalouro of
Loronix some time ago,
he gave me this LP, now it’s time to give it back to Zeca and to all
you Global Groovers around the world.
This is Samba from Carnaval 1976 and a real dance album.
I want to recommend this one to all sambalovers, it’s a killer.
Thank you Zecalouro for rocking !Muito obrigado Brasil, voce abriu os meus olhos, a minha vida mudou
como nunca desde conheço o Samba !P.S. I called this group Rubens da Mangueira e Amigos, because
Rubens is the only one I am sure of to sing on this LP.
I think to hear some well known musicians but no credits are given
so I’d rather don’t guess !tracks;
1 Aquarela Brasileirra
2 Gato malandro
3 Na beira do mar
4 O mar serenou
5 A Deusa dos orixas
6 Os Meninos da Mangueira
7 Pandeiro e viola
8 A dona do primeiro andar
9 No reino da mae do ouro
10 Moça
11 A véia debaixo da cama
12 Estrela de madureira
13 Mulher Brasileira
14 Casa cheia
15 Fusao em caxias
16 Qualquer coisa
17 Mexe mexePosted by Moosat 1:45 PM - Wednesday May 28, 2008
One of Beth Carvalho’s finest recordings to my opinion,
it sounds clear and warm, an RCA Victor that deserves to be.
A real treasure for samba lovers.tracks;
1 Vou festejar
2 Visual
3 O Isaura
4 Marcando bobeira
5 Meu caminho
6 Goiabada-cascao
7 Você, eu e a orgia
8 Lenço
9 Passarinho
10 Linda borboleta
11 Que sejam bem-vindos
12 Agoniza mas nao morrePosted by Moosat 8:33 AM - Sunday May 25, 2008
Forro is roots music, ( as quoted on backcover ) the unvarnished
Rock’n’Roll of the Brazilian North East. Driving rhythm
on button accordeons called ‘Sanfonas’,
‘Gumbo’, Brazilian style.tracks;
1 Toinho de Alagoas – Balanço da canoa
2 Duda da Passira – De Pernambuco ao Manhao
3 José Orlando – Eu també quero beijar
4 Toinho de Alagoas – Bicho da cara preta
5 Heleno dos oitos baixos – Começo de verao
6 Toinho de Alagoas – Peça licença p’ra falar de Alagoas
7 Duda da Passira – Recordaçao da Passira
8 José Orlando – Agricultor p’ra frente
9 Heleno dos oitos baixos – Entre e sai
10 José Orlando – Linda menina
11 Duda da Passira – Casa de tauba
12 José Orlando – Morena da palmeira
13 Toinho de Alagoas – Caráter duro
14 José Orlando – Minha Zezé
15 Toinho de Alagoas – Sonho de amor
16 Toinho de Alagoas – Namoro no escuro
17 Duda da Passira – Forró da minha terraPosted by Moosat 1:50 PM - Sunday May 25, 2008
Do you have a party, like to samba with your friends ?
Here’s a partymix I made some time ago,
Turn Up The Volume and Go !tracksmixed;
Aquarela do Brasil ( Ary Barroso )
Jair Rodrigues – O Carioca
Bezerra da Silva – Pai Veio
Nei Lopes – Debaixo do meu chapéu
Jair Rodrigues – Pagode em tudo lugar
Bezerra da Silva – Produto do morro
Jair Rodrigues – Nao bota no meu
Bateria, Nota 10 – Sai da frente
Jair Rodrigues – Tira o Cavalo da chuva
Bezerra da Silva – Malandragem dá um tempo
Joel Teixeira – Bilu Bilu pra ela
Bezerra da Silva – Viúva de seisPosted by Moosat 8:54 AM - Friday May 23, 2008
Another Jovelina, little younger than the last one, also quite different.
Samba/Pagode is a much more modern sound, but I Like it.tracks;
1 Conselho de vizinho
2 Luz do repente
3 Calango no morro
4 Filosofia de bar
5 Sofro de amor
6 Sem amor sou ninguém
7 Banho de felicidade
8 Passarinheiro
9 Mistura
10 Garota Zona Sul
11 Feira de Sao Cristovao
12 TramaPosted by Moosat 8:53 PM - Friday May 23, 2008
I was in Rio recordhunting on an afternoon with Zecalouro, he showed me some
places and found this nice album of Zeca Pagodinho for me, it was only 1 Real.
A very fresh and young Zeca Pagodinho.tracks;
1 S.P.C.
2 Coraçao em desalinho
3 Jogo de caipira
4 Se eu for falar de tristeza
5 Quando eu contar
6 Cheiro de saudade
7 Pout-Pourri de Partido Alto
8 Casal sem vergonha
9 Quintal do céu
10 Cidade do pé junto
11 Judia de mim
12 Brincadeira tem horaPosted by Moosat 7:52 PM