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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Monday July 7, 20083 comments on Thelma Soares – Thelma canta Nelson Cavaquinho, CBS 1965
About one and a half year ago I first heard ‘Thelma’, I was deeply
impressed by the way she knows to pull back the pace.
It was at Loronix, the great ‘Zecalouro’ introduced her to the world.
When I visited him later he gave me these files.
I already loved the work of Nelson Cavaquinho, so when he told me
about this album, I was thrilled.
These files are ‘Zecalouro’s Rips’. I am taking the liberty to post
them once more, I could not resist when I heard it again.
This LP is SO BEAUTIFUL, Nelson Cavaquinho does about three songs
himself, fantastic stuff.
Thank you so much again Zeca !tracks;
1 Luz negra
2 Fora do baralho
3 Cuidado com a outra
4 Rio nao es mais criança
5 Luto
6 Historia de um valente
7 A flor e o espinho
8 Palhaço
9 Rei sem trono
10 Rugas
11 Pecado
12 Pranto de poetaPosted by Moosat 10:55 PM - Saturday July 5, 2008
Yesterday I went to Amsterdam to check some of my favorite
recordshops, and found some great stuff, among others
this ‘Alcione’,
I know some bloggers who like her extremely much, like my
Sambapals Justin and Arnaud, and so do I, Check it guys.tracks;
1 Morte de um poeta
2 Agolona
3 Retalhos
4 Cajueiro velho
5 Tatú, engenheiro do metrô
6 É melhor dizer Adeus
7 Canto do mar
8 Lá vem você
9 Lua menina
10 Traje de princesa
11 Tiê
12 Jesuino galo doidoPosted by Moosat 3:36 PM - Wednesday July 2, 2008
Summer is really pulling through in the Netherlands.
With temperatures around 30 degrees, we try to do everything a bit
slower then normal. And what type of music has that mellow tropical
slowness ? Ofcourse, Bossa Nova, Brazilians know to ajust their pace
like no other. Sergio Mendes comes in with a smooth Bossa LP.
With the participation of Bud Shank, Sebastiao Neto, Chico Batera,
Rosinha de Valença on guitar and with the sweet voice of Wanda de Sah
this is a great spin.tracks;
1 So nice
2 Somewhere in the hills
3 Berimbau
4 Tristeza em mim
5 One note samba
6 She’s a carioca
7 Let me
8 Consolaçao
9 RezaPosted by Moosat 6:55 AM - Saturday June 28, 2008
Today I’m in an all Brazilian mood, Rio on my mind, Yes,I know,
many bloggers have ripped this LP before me, but still I could not
resist to do it once more. And I enjoyed it very much ! A very young
‘Martinho da Vila’, recorded 39 years ago and sounding as fresh as if
it was yesterday. This album deserves to be posted again and again.tracks;
1 Boa noite/Carnaval de ilusoes/Caramba
2 Quatro séculos de modas e costumes
3 O pequeno Burguês
4 Iaiá do cais dourado
5 Casa de bamba
6 Amor, pra que nasceu ?
7 Quem é do mar nao enjoa
8 Brasil mulato
9 Tom maior
10 P’ra que dinheiro
11 Parei na sua/Nhêm, nhêm, nhém
12 Grande amorPosted by Moosat 9:05 PM - Saturday June 28, 2008
On the same label as the previous post, two years later, but with
a name quite similar, here is ‘Isaura Garcia’. 6 songs of Noel Rosa
and 6 songs of Chico Buarque de Hollanda, sung with so much feeling,
Noel Rosa would have been proud.tracks;
1 Januária, C.B.
2 Triste cuíca, N.R.
3 Com açucar, com afeto, C.B.
4 Eu sei sofrer, N.R.
5 Olé olá, C.B.
6 Século do progresso, N.R.
7 Ultimo desejo, N.R.
8 Tem mais samba, C.B.
9 Feitio de oraçao, N.R. e Vadico
10 Fica, C.B.
11 Suspiro, N.R. e Orestes Barbosa
12 Carolina, C.B.Posted by Moosat 7:32 PMCategories
- Saturday June 28, 2008
It was a lovely day in February last year, when I was on my Rio record
hunt. I discovered a little hidden recordstore in ‘Rua 7 de setembro’
downtown Rio, and then it happened. I could hardly believe my
eyes when I found this rare LP. I think I payed something like 15
Reais, my day was made ! Listen carefully to this fantastic piece of
Samba History, all songs written by Noel Rosa and sung by Aracy
de Almeida. I always wondered how it is that one time they say
‘Araci’ and the other ‘Aracy’, one way or another, I love it.tracks;
01 – Meu barracao
02 – Sao coisas nossas
03 – Fita amarela
04 – Cor de cinza
05 – A melhor do planeta
06 – Palpite infeliz
07 – Feitico da vila
08 – Pra que mentir
09 – Ultimo desejo
10 – Conversa de botequim
11 – Nao tem traduçao
12 – Silencio de um minutoPosted by Moosat 4:51 PMCategories
- Thursday June 19, 2008
Another RCA samba album from the 70’s, perhaps not the best of
‘Os Originais do Samba’, but it is getting better along the spin.
Contains a couple of great tunes to my opinion.tracks;
1 Vou levanto meu canto
2 Ave Maria do Salgueiro
3 Só quem cantou fui eu
4 Arrependimento
5 Alucinaçao
6 Contrariedade
7 Nego veio quando morre
8 Os bons sambistas vao voltar
9 Batuqueiro
10 Rabo de saia
11 Eu agradeço
12 Cachaça no tanquePosted by Moosat 10:19 PMCategories
- Wednesday June 18, 2008
If I am correct, this must be the first volume of ‘Brasil…sambe ou se
mande’, so it should be from around 1973, since the others are. I was
so lucky to find 3 of them on my last Brazilian recordhunt. Pedrinho
Rodrigues e os Nacionais bring some wellknown samba songs, in an
uncomplicated way, enjoy ! Voltamos hoje com um pouquinho de
Samba gostoso, espero que vocês gostam.tracks;
1 Cosa nostra
2 Minha viola
3 Batuque na cozinha
4 Baba de quiabo
5 Nó na cana
6 Ninguém tasca
7 Balança povo
8 Ladrao que entra na casa de pobre só leva susto
9 Esperanças perdidas
10 Moro na RoçaPosted by Moosat 7:01 AM - Wednesday June 11, 2008
Yesterday I had a bit of an offday, after that fantastic match, the
Netherlands played monday, I had a few beers, well you know.
This morning I was going to do some ripping but my nextdoor
neighbours started to break out walls with lots of noise so, I have
to get out of here. I had this Pedrinho Rodrigues waiting for a
moment like this. Hope to find some peace later today, we’ll
be back then.tracks;
01 Só quero um xodó
02 Nao chora meu amor
03 Baianeiro
04 Néga Tijucana
05 Retalhos de Cetim
06 Boa noite
07 Boi da cara preta ( Eneida, amor e fantasia )
08 Cai cai
09 É preciso cantar
10 Casca de cocoPosted by Moosat 7:17 AMCategories
- Monday June 9, 2008
Bottom image is ‘Roda de Samba vol. 1
Today is a buisy day for me, tonight we’ll have the first matches
in the group of the Netherlands, we talk about soccer. The European
Championship Soccer. Before that I have my work, so some early
posting today. As you may remember, about a month ago we had ‘Roda
de Samba vol. 1’, Now this here is volume 2, I have been trying to find
the original cover. My copy is a French pressing and I have no idea
how the Brazilian one looks like. If you have it , we would love to see
it, thanks. If we forget about the cover we can check on the music.Really nice Samba compilation with more or less the same artists
as on the first volume. ‘Aparecida’, ‘Sabrina’, ‘Rubens da Mangueira’,
but also the great ‘Nelson Cavaquinho’ appears on this one.
I always had a certain weakness for his voice.tracks;
1 Aparecida – Proteçao
2 Sabrina – Acalentava
3 Nelso Cavaquinho – Quero alegria
4 Roda de Samba – Cantos Afros
5 Rubens da Mangueira – Por cima da linha
6 Aparecida – Rosas pra Lasa
7 Nelson Cavaquinho – Armas proibidas
8 Rubens da Mangueira – Morro velho
9 Sabrina – Liberdade
10 Dida – Chegou quem faltava chegarPosted by Moosat 6:31 AMCategories